22-What A Coincidence

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TW's: Mentions of torture, mentions of abandonment 

{ Clay's POV }

We got to the school after a little bit of walking and went to the lockers, opening them and taking out putting everything we didn't need into the locker then grabbing what we need after. We walked to the classroom and placed down our things onto the desks and sat down then waited for the teacher to walk into the room. The teacher walked into the room and he sat down with a smile. After a while the class ended and we left the room ready to continue the rest of the school day.

After a few hours we walked to our lockers. Fuck. The letter. "Hey George?" I questioned quickly, George turned to me with a confused look on his face "Yeah?" George asked. I smiled lightly and clasped my hand onto George's shoulder "Can you grab the pencil I left at our last class? It was my mother's and I don't want to lose it." I said with a frown. George nodded and walked away.

I quickly grabbed my letter and opened George's locker, putting the letter in a very noticeable place. I quickly closed the locker door and soon after George came back holding a pencil in his hand "Here Dream!" George exclaimed happily. I smiled and opened my locker door. Weirdly enough I found a letter in my locker, George also opening his locker and getting the letter I put in his locker. I opened my letter and read what the letter said.

This is so odd but I wanted to know if you could meet me behind the cherry blossom tree at 4:25? It's okay if you can't be there but I have something to tell you :)

Love, G

The letter ended and I was truly confused. I shrugged and put the letter away, George put his letter away too and shrugged "Well, I'll see you later." I said to George. He nodded and walked away. I walked to the blossom tree and tried to make it look amazing for my Gogy.


After a while of preparing I checked my phone and it said 4:13 I quickly got up and ran behind the blossom tree, waiting for George to come. I heard shuffling and heavy breathing, after a few seconds the sounds stopped. "Hello?" I heard George's confused voice. I smiled and walked out from behind the tree, I stood in front of George and his face turned confused but his face with red.

I took a breath in and smiled lightly. "This is embarrassing, isn't it?" I said breathless. I sighed and had a light chuckle. "I guess I should start." I said nervously "Okay, George I uhm... I really like you. I've liked you since we met each other! It sounds crazy doesn't it? Well it's true... And I know I'm literally nothing compared to you but um.. do you feel the same?" I asked timidly, I looked down at my shoes while I waited for George's response.

It was silent for a few moments but then I heard chaotic laughing, my head jolted up and I looked to George who was holding his stomach. After a few moments of me being confused George stopped laughing and placed his hand on my cheek "Oh dear Dreamy boy... you're so clueless." George said with a giggle.

I was extremely confused about what was happening but George continued on "I like you too Dream! But I know something that you don't," George said, booping my nose playfully "What do you mean?" I asked, still completely confused. George soon got closer to my face with a sadistic smile on his face "I know you killed all those people Dream. Sapnap, Karl, Minx, Quackity... But others died too, didn't they? Niki, Wilbur, Bad, Fundy..." George giggled once again "Want to know who killed them?" George asked.

I nodded and George beamed, grabbing my shoulders lightly "I did Dream! I did it! For you! We are the same." George said happily closer to my face than before. A shocked smile soon overtook my confusion "You kill too? For me?" I asked George nodded happily and I smiled brightly. After a few moments George's sadistic smile soon became more light "And you did it for me too. I would be bitter about Sapnap and Karl but... they were stones to me. But you? Oh you're my world, my ground. I need you." I smiled lightly at George's sentence and I looked to his lips then back up.

"Can I?" I asked George nodded and I slowly connected our lips. George was finally mine. Mine, mine, mine, and mine. Was this a dream? No. This was real. I felt every small detail. It was real. Me and George pulled away from each other and smiled "I guess we should go home yeah?" I nodded and me and George grabbed our bags, walking back to the house with small smiles on our faces.


We got back to the house and placed down our backpacks and went to the living room giggling "Okay so tell me how you got your side of the no emotion thing." George said as he sat down. I sat down next to him with a smile. "Well I actually got it from my mom, my dad didn't have it." George nodded "Interesting. I got it from both my father and mother, everyone says that there's no way that they are what we call yanderes but they are." George thought for a moment.

"This might sound rude but I'm curious... Where is your mom and dad? It's okay if you don't want to answer or anything." George said cautiously. I frowned lightly but quickly hid it with a small smile.

"Well, my mom and dad left. My dad couldn't handle that I didn't have emotion, he really tried to help me with it but it didn't work. My mom left with him because well... she loved him and she couldn't live without him. But I still love her. She helped me a lot and she didn't have emotions like me. My uncle mentioned something about her needing to convince my father to be with her and I think when he meant... convince I think he meant torture and I think that might be the real reason why he left me."

George frowned lightly and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well, I will always love you. We're the same. We think the same. And we love the same. You won't be alone with me here." George kissed my cheek as I smiled brightly. We both cuddled up onto the couch with half-lidded eyes.

"I love you George." I said lightly. I heard George giggled softly and wiggle in my grasp "I love you too Dream." George responded with a happy tone. I sighed in content and closed my eyes. My Georgie is finally mine. And no one is taking him.


Word count: 1,137

The Real Ending.

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