RB Heatwave x Rescue Bot Reader

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"What were you thinking. You could have gotten seriously hurt."

A/N- We are gonna say Kade has both (Y/N) as his partners. Also (Y/N) is some sort of fire fighting vehicle.

                     3rd P.O.V.

The fire burned bright. The storm from last night has created a forest fire in the Griffin rock forest. All the Rescue Bots are on the scene. Boulder and Graham are creating a fire barrier out of rocks and any other nonflammable materials they can find. Dani and Blades are scooping water from the near by lake to dump onto the flames. Chase and Chief Burns are keeps all the people away from dangerous area as well as helping the wildlife to escape. As for Kade, Heatwave and (Y/N), they are all directly in the center of the fire. The plan is to have the three fight from inside to out while the others and the partners make sure it doesn't spread. A un-conventual but it is working.

"How's the fire looking from in there?" Cody asks through the intercoms. 

"Well, I am just finish it up..." Kade started saying from inside Heatwave till the red bot cut him off.

"Um excuse me but (Y/N) and I are finishing it up. You're just sitting and watching. You have got it easy."

"For your information, I am supervising and it is not easy. I am practically backing in here."Kade said waving his hands trying to fan himself. Heatwave rolls his optics and (Y/N) chuckles. The two start bickering and they don't notice the huge flaming branch break and falling straight towards them. Lucky (Y/N) noticed.

"Kade! Heatwave! Look out!!!" (Y/N) screams running at heatwave. Heatwave looks up too see why (Y/N) is screaming, immediately he understands. But before the branch can crush him, (Y/N) shoves the big red bot out of the way. However, by doing this the flaming branch falls onto (Y/N).

"(Y/N)!" Kade and Heatwave shout. Heatwave immediately rushes to put out the fire on the branch while the oldest burns kid gets onto the intercom asking for immediate back up.

"Attention all Bots and Burns. (Y/N) is down, I repeat (Y/N) is down. Blades and Dani, I need you to put out the last bit of the fire. There is not a lot left, just small enough that one dump should put it out. Chase, Boulder, Gramb and Dad we need all the help we can get getting this branch off (Y/N). Cody, we need you to contact Optimus and request a medic, fast. Hurry everyone!"

"Stay with me (Y/N). Its gonna be okay. Your gonna me okay." Heatwave says trying to comfort (him/her/them) while the other rushed over to help lift up the branch. (Y/N) fades in and out of consousness. The last thing (Y/N) hears before blacking out is Heatwave whispering "(Y/N) please... I can't lose you." 

Then darkness.


(Y/N) P.O.V.

I slowly open my optics to see a bright light. As my optics adjust I see that I am back in the bunker on what seems to be a make-shift bed. I look over to my right and I see Cody sleeping on the couch next to me. I smile. Cody and I have gotten close since he's the youngest of the Burns family and I am the youngest in my squad (not by much). We have been inseparable. I also see Kade sitting up, silently sleeping next to Cody. Now that's a surprise. The partner that the red rescue bot and I share being quiet!

"Oh (Y/N), your awake!" I turn to see the bed mech staring at me in relief. However, his expression of relief changes to anger. "What were you thinking?! You could have gotten seriously hurt! Your lucky you only got minor injury's!" I stare in shock then start laughing as quietly as possible as to not wake the humans. "What's so funny." He yell whispers.

"You. You are so funny." I pause catching my breath. "Heatwave, like you, I am a rescue bot. I rescued you and Kade. I did my job. I couldn't forgive myself if I let anything to my partners. Especially, not my sparkmate." I say smirking. Heatwave sighs and miles.

"Yeah but I don't know what I would do if I lost you, my sparkmate." Heatwave walks up to me and gives me a sweets kiss. We keep going till we hear the sound of cheering. We break part and turn to see Cody cheering and Kade smirking. 

"Well so much for keeping it a secret." I chuckle.

"I knew it." Kade commented.  Heatwave turns to the oldest Burns and gives him the most dead pan look ever and said

"No you didn't."


(786 words)


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