TP Wheeljack x Nurse Cybertronian Reader

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"You know you love me"

                       (Y/N) P.O.V.

I'm cleaning the med bay when I hear the sound of the ground bridge. I don't pay much attention to this because the bridge literally opens and closes many times a day. However the sound of things crashing and breaking alerted me. Looking up, I see Ratchet burst through the door the. slamming them shut behind him. He huffs, puffs and curses under his breath. He storms through the med bay. 

"That idiotic wrecker!!!" Ratchet looks me directly in the optics. "Guess who decided to pay a visit! Mr. Walking-Disaster himself!" He then starts angry mumbling and walked out the secret med bay exit door, which only me and Ratchet know about, leaving me wide eyed and confused. Walking disaster? Who could that be? I am broken out of my thoughts by the med bay doors slamming open. In limps Wheeljack and everything just clicks. I quietly chuckled the swiftly walk over to help him. 

"So Wheeljack, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into this time?" I say try not to laugh.

"Well hello to you too sweetspark," I can feel heat rise up onto my face plate. Luckily I can hide it well enough. "And for your information, it was not my fault."

"Sure it wasn't." I say rolling my optics as I help him onto the med table.

"No I'm serious. I was trying to get away from the cons cause I had planted my time bombs. But one of the cons had shot my leg, causing me to slow down. Fortunately, that when our buddy Bulkhead saw my life signal and opened a ground bridge. Unfortunately, the bomb went off at the same time. So I get blasted through the ground bridge and I come crashing into the base. I think I broke some of the Docs stuff" While he was ranting, I fixed up his leg. I listened intently as he went on and on. He's such a...well...wrecker. Of course there is nothing wrong with wrecker. I actually like them. Especially Wheeljack. He's just so fun, brave, strong, and adventurous, not to mention handsome. When Wheeljack is done ranting I smile and chuckle. 

"Yeah, Ratchet was really mad. Okay so I have finished patching up your leg. I recommend talking it easy for a little while." He hopes off the table and shoots me one of his signature smirks.

"Thanks sweetspark." Wheeljack pauses hesitantly, his smirk falling. "Listen, do you wanna go on a drive with me?" My optics widen in shock. Then I pause to think. Why is he asking me? What happens if Ratchet finds out? I shove all the thoughts and question out of my mind and I respond.

"Of course, I'd love too!" Wheeljack smirks once again and I smile back. 

"Well, what are we waiting for! Come on."


Wheeljack and I went for the drive. We went all over. Through Jasper, back roads, through the desert, you name it. We drive up to the mouth of a cave and Wheeljack transforms. Confused I do the same. 

"I think this is a energon mine. Let's go check it out!" He states excitedly.

"What! No! Are you crazy! We have to tell the team!" I exclaim.

"Nah, come on (Y/N). Its perfectly safe. When have I ever been wrong about something like this?" I give him the 'Really? We both know you have many times' look. 

"Okay so I may have been wrong before. But this will be fine I promise. You might even have some fun." I sigh in defeat.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

"You know you love me." Wheeljack smirked and I giggled.

"Yeah your lucky I do." I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. When I pull away, I see Wheeljack awe-struck expression. I start laughing but I am a quickly cut off by him pulling me into another kiss. Its sweet and passionate. I rap my arms around his neck and his went to my hips. We pull apart, look look into each others optics and smirk. Wheeljack grabs my hand and we run into the cave.

Looks like we are going on an adventure.


(709 words)


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