TP Ratchet x Wrecker Reader

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Prompt= "Thanks" "Anytime"

A/N- For this we are going to say that the auto bots have hologram human forms.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

This is bad. I think as I cautiously enter the base. You see, while I was out today, I got painted like a clown car. 


A travelling circus is in town this week and the kids really wanted to go. So Bulkhead, Arcee, Bee and I took the kids to see it while Optimus was on a mission and Ratchet was working. Wheeljack was also in the area so he decides to tag along. So we get there, turn into our holo forms and enter the circus. It was truly amazing. So many colors and performers, so many games to play. Miko challenges the wreckers, Bulkhead, Wheeljack and I to a game of ring toss. Looser gets to take Miko driving wherever she wants for 24 hours. 

We each got 3 rings. First up was Bulkhead. He took his stance and threw the ring as hard as he could at the bottles. We all thought he was gomma shatter them but lucky he didn't. But it did miss. 

"Aww come on." Bulkhead groaned.

"You gotta throw it lighter." Jack said from behind us. Bulk nods and manages to land his other 2 rings. 

"Take that Jackie." He says stepping back to give Wheeljack a chance to throw. 

"Oh Bulk, I will." he said throwing all his rings at once while keeping eye contact with his friend. Somehow he manages to land all 3 of his rings. All of our jaws drop. 

"Wow that was so cool!" Raph said amazed.

"How?... How?!" Miko asked.

"Not bad." Arcee remarked.

"Bzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz." Bee whirred. All the team began to shower him with praise and compliments. 

All of a sudden, I felt a strange sensation all over my body. I don't know how to explain it but I knew something was not right. So in order to avoid unwanted attention, I quietly snuck away. 

I got back to my veical form and realized what happened. My entire form was painted in white with multicolored spots. Even my windows and windsheild as well as my tires has been replaced with (L/F/C)(least favourite color) wheels. I looked like a clown car. 

"Oh no!" I said aloud as i rushed to get in my car form and switched off my holo form. Quickly I speeded away back to the base before anyone could see me.

End Flashback

So here I am now. I transform and carefully and slowly step closer and closer to the hall leading to my berth. I have some cleaners that might help me get this paint off me. It was only now realizing that I am entirely covered in this crazy pattern. Like even my face plate. 

3rd P.O.V.

Without realizing it (Y/N) had stopped walking while they were in thought. However a grumbling sound broke them out of their trance. 

(Y/N) P.O.V.

My optics widen as I hear a grumbling sound. Slowly, I look up to see Ratchet standing there, arms crossed and a wrench in his right servo. 

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" That all that I can seem to get out. 

"What happened to you?" Ratchet asks in his usual condescending tone. 

"Long story short, some idiot pulled a prank, " I sigh. "I think it may have been that red haired kid. The one Jack doesn't like. He probably thought this would be a funny prank to play on him. 

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