We are about a block away from his house, when he stops. "Can I ask you something?" He says and gives me his full attention. " ok, what is it?" "Why was you suit case already packed?" He questions. "It's not important right now." I politely answer. "No, tell me." he demands. "Ok fine. I was planning on running away." "Why would you want to run away." "Because of the way my parents treat me. I'm sorry I'm glad I'm with you now." I tell him " I know it's fine just remember I'm always here for you." He says.** at his house**
When we get to his house everyone is there. "Carter!!" I run and hug him. "Don't forget about us." I hear two voices say. "Mathew Lee!" "Shawnie!" I give the both hugs. Then Elizabeth enters the room. "Hi Mrs. Grier!" I say while hugging her. "Hello sweetie!"Hayes
I see my mom look at the suit case so I call her and Jenn into the kitchen."Mom, Jennifer needs a place to stay at. I went over to her house and saw her dad yelling at her." I pause because of the memories of Jenn's dad hitting her is making me tear up. "H..he hit her mom. He hit her. she doesn't deserve that and she says it's been happening for a long time now." By now I'm crying and so is Jennifer. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." My mom says while hugging Jennifer "You are always welcome here, stay as long as you need." after Jennifer thanks my mom we head to my room. She sets her suit case down and hugs me for a long time. "I know I haven't exactly asked you this but." I pause and tilt her chin up so she's looking at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" As soon as I ask her eyes light up. "Of course I will" she says and kisses me. "I love you." she whispers. "I love you." I reply. we go back down stairs to eat pizza.
** after eating** "
"I want to do something tonight." Jenn says. "Me too." Jack j agrees "I have a friend that's having a party tonight, wanna go?" We all agree and start getting ready.
"Can you help me pick out my outfit?" Jenn asks. "Yea sure" I reply. She ends up wearing a Nirvana shirt with dark skinny jeans and white converse. it's 6:30 pm and everyone is ready so we head to the party.
It's just a normal house party. When we get inside there's people everywhere and loud music playing. I take Jennifer to get a drink. "What do you want." I ask her. "I want whipped cream vodka." She replys. "Of course you would choose the nastiest drink here." I tease her. "Oh whatever have you ever tried it?" "No but it sounds horrible." I tell her. She pours herself a cup and tells me to try it so I do. "Ok it's actually pretty good." I admit. "Told you." She laughs. We go to the living room and sit on the couch. "Hey let's play truth or dare." Nash suggests. We all agree. Shawn starts "Carter truth or dare?" "Dare." "Ok I dare you to call your mom and say your being arrested." Shawn says. So Carter calls his mom and it's his turn. Just as Carter is about to speak Mahogany arrives at the party. "Mahogany!" We all yell she hugs us all even Jennifer. "Who is she?" Jenn whispers. "That's Mahogany she sometimes goes to magcon with us." I introduce them and they start talking about girl stuff.
We've been at the party for about five hours Jennifer is pretty shitfaced but so am I. We are all hungry so we order pizza. "Oh my Jesus this pizza is good." "Yes it is." I agree. "We should come up with our own handshake baby Hayes." she says. "What about us" all of the guys and Mahogany say. so we all have a handshake with Jennifer. Once we are done eating Mahogany and Jennifer start dancing in the living room. Jennifer pulls me to her so Mahogany Jennifer and u are dancing when Jennifer falls and bursts into laughter. We all laugh with her. I help her up. "You are a little shitfaced and it's really funny the way you are talking!" I tell her. "I'm so sorry Mr. Benjamin Hayes Grier for the inconvenience of my childish actions I hope you can accept this apology for it is upmost important to me that you know I'm sincere." she days and smiles. "Ok grandma that's not what I meant I like it when you're like this just you, no worries, carefree." I say and give her a kiss. Shortly after 2:30 am we go back to my house and fall asleep.

Sex lessons (Hayes Grier)
FanfictionI am going to be a senior in highschool but I am still a virgin.. That needs to change;quick. I'm tired of feeling like I don't exist, hated, unwanted, my parents not caring about me, but what I'm tired of most of all is being inexperienced( with se...