Jennifer POV
I wake up to the sound of my phone going off signifying that I have a text message. When I check it, it's from Aliyah my worst enemy, and also Hayes' ex. The text reads
"You need to stop acting like a stuck up bitch, Hayes doesn't really like you and never will. He is using you and you don't even realize it. I'm the only girl he loves, he will never truly love you."
As soon as I'm done reading the text Hayes wakes up. "What are you looking at?" He asks motioning to my phone. "It's nothing,really." I lie. "Show me what's bothering you." He knows me to well. I show him the text. "Don't listen to her." I answer with a simple "Ok."
He tilt my chin up and says "I'm serious if I didn't love you would I have asked you to be my girlfriend last night?" I smile and kiss his nose. "I would never choose that hoe over you." He whispers. "And what is so great about me?" I ask. Without a word he flips me in my back and is on top of me. Our bodies are close. He gets my wrists in one hand and raises them above my head pinning me to the mattress. With his knees the spreads my legs. "What's so great about you?" He pauses for a single seductive kiss. "Well for starters you have the perfect personality." He kisses my cheek. "Your body well is fucking perfect." He kisses just below my ear. "The perfect eyes." He kisses down my jaw line. "The perfect hair." He kisses all around my neck. "The perfect neck. " He stops to gently bite my neck then sucks at it until it's a light shade of red. He repeats this action all over my neck until I let out a moan. He continues. "The perfect chest." He kisses all around my chest leaving red marks. He moves lower, and lifts my shirt off of my stomach. "The perfect stomach." he kisses all around my stomach. He moves to my inner thighs. "The perfect legs." He kisses my inner thighs an stops at my spandex. He comes back up and says. "Are you ready for lesson 3?" I nod my head. He stands from the bed bringing me with him.
When we are standing he pins me against the wall. He kisses my lips since he still has my hand above my head I am left powerless. Once he has made a trail of kisses to my stomach he pulls my spandex down, leaving me in nothing but my my panties from the waist down. Now that my hands are free I lace them through his hair. All he says is "I love you." Before he slides my panties down my thighs. Before I can reply he slides two fingers inside of me. "OH HAYES" is all I can manage to say. "Be louder" he says. "Look at me he commands". I oblige. "Tell me how good it feels." "It feels a..amazing." I half moan half scream. I feel the pressure in my stomach. "Faster" I say to him. He speeds up, and seconds later I release. He stands to his feet and kisses me. I smile and say "Your turn." Now he's against the wall. I take off his shorts and boxers. As soon as his shorts are off I take him into my mouth. "J..Jenn..". I look at him through my eyelashes. He says "Oh my god." Then releases into my mouth. When I come up he hugs me and says. "You did good. Lesson for will have to wait for now." I kiss his nose and walk out of his room, with him following close behind me. When we reach the end if the hall Nash, Jack g, Shawn, and Taylor are in a fit of laughter. Nash says "OH HAYES." And I realize why they are laughing. Shawn and Taylor both say "Faster." At the same time. And Jack g is to busy laughing to mimic us. "You were listening?" Hayes questions. "No y'all were just really loud." Taylor answers. I begin to laugh and so does Hayes. It doesn't really seem like a big deal to me, we are all laughing and by now my stomach hurts. After we are done laughing I say "I'm hungry." Everyone agrees. "What should we eat?" Shawn asks. "We could all cook something." Jack g suggests so that's what we do. I make baked chicken, Hayes makes a chefs salad, Shawn makes homemade rolls, Jack g makes macaroni, and Nash makes brownies. When we are done with dinner it's pretty late so I tell everyone I'm going to bed. Hayes kisses me and says "I'll be there in a minute." When I get upstairs to Hayes' room I check my phone, and see that not only has Aliyah blown up my phone but so have her friends. I have over 200 text messages from them.
*worthless bitch* *he's just using you to get inside your pants* *you don't deserve to live* * it will be better for you and everyone around you if you just die in a hole* *you are an ugly hoe you will never be what he wants*
I just keep re-reading them. Honestly I don't know what I did to deserve this. By now I can't stop my tears. I go into the bath room and get my razor blade. I look in the mirror and say "You are worthless." I find some paper and write: Hayes<3
I love you. I'm so sorry I could not be better for you. You are better off with out me. I cherish our time we spent together. You will always be my day one. Please forgive me for this. I love you.
After I cut each of my arms 6 times I realize I need more than this. I begin to rummage though the medicine cabinet until I find some painkillers, I open the bottle and take two at a time until they're gone. I lay down on the ground and fall asleep.
After we are done cleaning up in the kitchen I say goodnight, and head up stairs. When I get to my room Jenn is no where to be found. "Jenn." I quietly yell when I don't hear her voice I call her phone. I hear a ring and realize her phone is on the night stand. This is weird she never goes anywhere without her phone. I go ask Nash, Shawn and, Jack j if that my know where she is, and if course they don't. I go back up stairs and check her phone, I see a bunch of texts from Aliyah, my ex and her friends. I read some. I put her phone down and check Skylynn's room, she's not there. So then I check the bathroom. And all I see is blood and an empty medicine bottle at first, then I walk in and see Jennifer in the ground. That's when I put it together. I yell for Nash, him and Taylor run to the bathroom. "What's wr..." He doesn't finish his sentence. "She overdosed on painkillers." I say. "Why would she do that?" Taylor asks. So I show them the texts. Then Nash calls Shawn and Jack g upstairs. When they get there Shawn points out a letter from Jenn. I read it. Hayes<3
I love you. I'm so sorry I could not be better for you. You are better off with out me. I cherish our time we spent together. You will always be my day one. Please forgive me for this. I love you.
I can't control my tears. And even the guys are starting to cry. "We need to get her to the hospital." Jack g says. We carry her to the car and arrive at the hospital minutes laterI hope you love it I'm sorry for not updating in a while don't hate me I will update soon but for now you will have to live with the torture of not knowing what happens next I'm sorry ;) I love y'all<3

Sex lessons (Hayes Grier)
FanfictionI am going to be a senior in highschool but I am still a virgin.. That needs to change;quick. I'm tired of feeling like I don't exist, hated, unwanted, my parents not caring about me, but what I'm tired of most of all is being inexperienced( with se...