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The club was full of people and me and the girls linked hands as we wound our way to the dance floor.

I couldn't help but grin as I felt adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I am so excited to be out with my friends and just kick back and have a good time.

It's been a while.

And it's just a little bit harder now that I'm pregnant.

I grinned as we all started dancing to the music while the guys went and found a table to sit and drink at.

It was a while that we were dancing and I felt my back and ankles starting to swell and get sore.

One of the only down sides of being pregnant.

I felt two hand on my waist and I turned and saw Brian smirking down at me.

"You look so sexy." He murmured in my ear.

I couldn't help but grin as his warm breath tickled my ear.

I just laughed at him and turned so I could see him better.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into my huge baby bump rested against his stomach.

He looked down and smiled, one of his hands automatically going down to caress it.

He looked back up to my eyes and grabbed my hands, wrapping them around his neck.

"Where were you?" I asked him.

"Watching you dance and drinking with the guys." Brian said with a chuckle as he pointed to a table in the VIP section where the rest of the guys still were.

I laughed as Johnny and Jimmy started racing to see who could down shots the fastest.

"Are you having a good time?" I asked, having to yell a little so he could hear me over the loud music.

"I'm here with you and my best friends and there's booze. Of course." He said with a smirk.

I laughed and he pulled me down and gave me a kiss.

I could taste a little of the alcohol on his breath and it made me a little queasy.

I pulled away and Brian looked a little upset.

"The alcohol is making me want to puke. I'm sure you don't want that." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah. I'd rather not." He chuckled.

He pulled me back into his chest, drinking water out of the bottle he had in his hand and swishing it around his mouth.

I smiled as I looked up at him.

"Aww. That's sweet honey." I said.

"I wouldn't be able to go the rest of the night without kissing you." He said.

I grinned and Brian pulled me closer and pressed his lips against mine.

I pulled him even tighter to me and I could feel him smirk against my lips.

Our kiss was rudely interrupted when I was yanked roughly away from him.

"What the fuck!" We both yelled.

Val had been the one to pull us apart and I frowned at her for stopping our moment.

"Syn, if you think you can just waltz over here and take my dancing partner away, think again!" She said in an irritated voice.

Me nd Brian both looked at her with smiles on our faces.

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked her.

Val's smile fell slightly.

"I just really miss Danny. Being around all the couples just makes me want him here." She said sadly.

We both gave her sympathetic looks.

I know exactly how she feels.

"I know it's not the same, but I'll dance with you Val." Brian said.

A small smile made it's way across her face and she looked over at me.

"You are such a nice guy. Do you know that?" She asked him.

Brian grinned widely and hugged her.

"Remember that when you're pissed at me, okay?" he asked with a laugh.

"I'm gonna go rest my feet anyway. Being pregnant plus stiletto heels equals sore feet." I said with a laugh as they started to dance and I made my way over to the table.

I finally made it to the table and watched as the rest of the guys joined in the race and I became the referee.

Looks like I'm gonna be one of the only sober ones tonight.

I was eventually dragged back onto the dance floor by a very drunk Jimmy.

He is absolutely hilarious.

Jimmy spun out of control and bumped in Kat, then started dancing with her, a goofy grin on both of their faces.

I smiled and turned to walk back to the table when two arms around my waist stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Brian whispered huskily in my ear.

I laughed softly.

"I was going to go sit down but someone grabbed me and started groping me." I giggled as I turned and looked up at his beautiful face.

He was smiling down at me and I couldn't understand the look he was giving me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"How am I looking at you?" Brian said in confusion.

"Like you're trying to memorize my face." I said.

A guilty expression crossed his features and he looked down.

"What is it baby?" I asked him.

He didn't answer, just kept his eyes on the ground.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked him.

His eyes grew wide and pulled me close as I started to push him away.

I couldn't deal with this right now.

Not ever.

I pushed him away and walked out of the club, ready to head to the bus and go to sleep.

I don't need this shit.

His arms wrapped around me once again and pinned me to the side of the club.

"Let me go Brian." I said calmly.

"No. You started walking away before you ever let me talk." He complained.

"You're trying to break up with me. I can see it in your eyes. I don't want to talk to you right now." I said, pushing at his hands.

But he wouldn't budge.

He kept me glued to that wall, his eyes looking down at me with intensity.

"What the hell are you babbling about?" He asked me.

I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to get any angrier then I already was.

"I'm not trying to break up with you honey. I love you more than I could ever tell you." Brian said softly.

"Then why were you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"Because." He said.

"Because?" I repeated in confusion.

"You have a beautiful face. I can't help but stare at you." He said.

I knew he was lying but I didn't feel like pushing it.

"You're a dork." I said with a laugh.

He started to laugh too, pulling me into his chest and kissing my forehead.

And with Brian there in my arms, I could feel some of the tension fade.

Not completely, but a little.

And that's what worried me.

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