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Cynthia's POV

I have no idea how long I slept.

But when I woke up, my entire body was stiff.

My hand automatically went down to my stomach.

"Did you two get a good rest?" I asked softly, smiling when I felt a small flutter.

I looked around and it was completely dark in the bus and there was no sound.

I moved around again and felt a heavy arm around my waist.

I moved slowly and turned to see Brian's sleeping face.

He still had that pained look on his face.

He was sleeping, and he still looked like he was in excruciating pain.

I looked away from him, the sight bringing tears to my eyes.

Damn hormones.

I rolled out of the bunk, careful not to hit my stomach on the sharp edge.

I seriously had to pee.

After I did the deed, I went and laid on the couch.

I switched on the t.v. and turned it down low so I wouldn't wake anyone else up.

They definitely needed the rest.

Who knows how long they stayed up worrying about me.

I watched a bunched of random shows until I fell asleep again.

I felt someone moving my legs and I quickly snapped my eyes open.

I calmed myself when i saw it was just Val.

"How are you holding up babe?" She asked me softly.

"We're fine." I said softly, rubbing a hand over my stomach.

Val smiled, her hand going on my stomach as well.

"How are you?" I asked.

I know she must have been worried out of her mind.

One thing Val does too much of, is worry.

Mostly about me.

Her face grew darker.

People really under estimate Val.

They think that she is happy and sweet and nice all the time.

Val gets down and dirty if she is pushed to it.

"I'm pissed. Beyond pissed actually." She growled.

I sat back and let her get it out.

She's got to vent.

It's the only way she'll be able to get past this.

"What I don't understand is how you can not be pissed right now." She said, looking at me.

"I guess going to anger management did help me after all." I said with a light laugh.

"We both know that you going to those classes didn't do anything except waste your time." Val said with a laugh.

"Hah. That's true. I guess I'm still processing everything." I told her honestly.

Val narrowed her eyes at me.

"I know you." She said firmly.

I smiled widely at her.

"You kick ass first, process information later. You've always been that way." She said, crossing her arms.

I let out another laugh.

"What should I do? Kicking someone's ass isn't going to make feel better. And it's definitely not good for the babies." I said.

"It worked for me." Val said, in a satisfied tone.

A Little Piece of HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now