33 [What a Deal!]

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TW // biting (idk if that triggers people but just a heads-up)

George let the other two catch up to him as he started walking around the village.

He saw several piles of hay bales, which was good, but he frowned because they looked round, like in real life.

"Wow, there are already so many buildings," Dream said with wonder, looking around at the houses next to him.

"Yeah, welcome to the village," Sapnap said, walking next to him.

The villagers kinda look like people, George thought as one wandered over and noticed them.

"Hello, 3 emeralds for a bucket of fish?"

George and Sapnap froze.

"No thanks," Dream answered sheepishly, "I don't think we're looking to shop."

George yanked Dream behind him and Sapnap leveled his sword at the villager. "Did you just talk?"

Dream was confused as hell. "Wh- what? George- what's wrong?"

George exhaled lightly, holding him back. "What the actual fuck."

The villager looked calmly at Sapnap, like it didn't notice the sword. "Hello, 3 emeralds for a bucket of fish?"

"George," Sapnap asked slowly.

"No fucking idea," George said, staring at it.

"10 coal for an emerald?" The villager asked Sapnap.

"No," Sapnap said to it cautiously. "Go away."

The villager said "Hrmmmm" and wandered slowly off. They watched it go.

"Hey George," Dream whispered behind his ear, "I thought you said there wasn't any other people besides us."

"Villagers aren't people," George said slowly, keeping his eyes on the villager.

"Well... that seems kinda mean," Dream said.

Sapnap relaxed and laughed.
"Oh my god, that was so good, he got us like 'what the fuck' but Dream was so casual like 'no thanks' pffffft-haha. I can't believe it. This minecraft world is fucking with us so hard, oh my god."

George relaxed his shoulders and smiled. "That was so weird, it caught me by surprise."

"Wait- why are you guys surprised, and why'd you almost stab him, Sapnap?" Dream asked.

"Villagers don't talk," Sapnap laughed. "They don't normally, that was so weird. Where do you think the voice came from?" He asked George.

George shrugged. "I dunno, Notch?"

Sapnap chuckled again. "Basically, Dream, the game is advancing and changing, so random stuff like this might get George and me off guard."

"Ok, well, it's really confusing when the things you tell me keep changing. So the villagers are, or aren't people? Are they trapped here too?"

"No, they're part of the game," George said. "For trading, if you want to. It's the old way of getting Ender Pearls, BUT they didn't talk, for sure. And I mean they're not really people because they don't do anything but trade, and sleep."

"And get in your way if you're trying to do anything," Sapnap added.
"They have an AI that just leads them to wander around in random directions until night time, then they run to the houses and sleep.
Players use the villages for loot. Like if we were speedrunning we would come through here and take the hay bales and the stuff from the blacksmith."

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