63 [How Did We Get Here?]

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I blinked fast. My eyes were fine, but they felt weird, off.
Maybe it's because my ears were suffering from everyone talking over each other in varied tongues.

Everything was confusing. No one seemed to know what was going on, and I didn't know shit about it either.

My brain finally started working right and I understood what the strangers around me were saying. All questions, but no one had answers, and everything was overlapping and getting louder.

It quieted when someone finally yelled at all of us to shut up. He stood up on the stone stairs, unconsciously signaling to us that he was some kind of leader or authority and immediately getting bombarded with questions.

"Hold on, hold on-" he held out his hands- "does anyone know what happened?"

There were a few 'no's and shaking heads. "Do you?" I asked.

He said "no." Someone sighed.
"Does anyone know anything from before like five minutes ago?"

More shaking heads. I unconsciously reached towards my eyes to adjust something, but there was nothing there. I looked at my hand for a second before brushing my hair back a little.

"Does anyone know their names?" The guy on the stairs asked.

Nope. One guy pointed at another guy, saying "He knows something! He was here and he volunteered to go in that weird sparkly pool thing, now he's back."

"What?" The accused guy in a white shirt stared at him. "I've never even been here before or seen you! You're lying, what the hell do you have against me?"

"Hey I don't like when you say that," the accuser said.
Another guy piped up nervously. "He's right, I was here when he decided to go through it, he was back in seconds."

"I dunno what you're talking about, but I just showed up here for the first time! What the hell happened?" The guy in the white shirt demanded.

"We're trying to figure that out," the guy on the stairs said. "Who's been here the longest?"

"Me," someone said.
"Can you explain as much as you know?"

"Yeah." He sighed. "So I woke up on there-" he pointed at the bed where a guy with white glasses had been sitting- "but the room was empty so I looked around and then you appeared, and then you, and you and I lost track..." He shrugged. "I don't really know anything before that, but I want to get out of here. I don't like it." He shivered.

The only possible escapes were the sparkly pool and a perfect cube cut out of the wall above gray rocks. I looked through it again to the darkness beyond. It was wide enough for one person to crawl through.

"Okay..." the guy on the stairs thoughtfully rubbed his neck. "So it seems like going through that makes you lose your memory, so let's not do that anymore."

"Obviously," one guy scoffed.
There was a loud creak and we all looked at someone opening a box on the ground.

"We need to figure this out," the guy on the stairs said, "it's too confusing with all of us not being able to distinguish ourselves. We need names."

"So we just name ourselves?" someone asked sarcastically.

"Yeah. Come on, just like, um, make a circle or something. Say the first letter you think of, like one that means something to you. I'll go first, I guess. Ummmm...." He trailed off, staring into space.

The guy in the white shirt snorted. "D?"

"Yeah-" the guy on the stairs narrowed his eyes. "Got a problem?"

"No no, it just sounds funny to me." He kept snickering. I rolled my eyes.

The other guys went around the circle: G, B... then it was my turn. I hadn't thought about it, but I settled on "a".

"You just picked the first letter-" the unnamed guy next to me crossed his arms. "Why are y'all only picking early letters?"

"I like A, why do you care so much?" He was getting on my nerves.

"Well I'm going with S," he said.

"Good for you," I said back.

"I'm also going with S," the last guy said.

"Hey, you're just copying me!" The first guy named S said. Not having names was really a pain. I was trying to think of other letters, but all I had a vague sense towards was V, and I didn't want to be named av.

"No I am not, that's literally what I was thinking of before!" the last guy insisted.

"Guys just think of another letter," D said.

"A," the first guy glanced at me. I rolled my eyes again. I kept unconsciously reaching up to adjust something that wasn't there, it was weird.

"K," the last guy said.

"Ok," D said, "well then you can just have S-"

"No I mean the letter K!"

Someone randomly said "SKSKSKSKSK"

(814 words)
yes thats where I ended it. These chapters will be shorter but they'll come out fast because I wanna finish this before I go on hiatus for starting uni on Tuesday
If you saw anyone stop reading after the last chapter, please inform them it wasn't the end
I have more planned :)

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