Chapter 17

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Negan watches malice fight against tommy "Rick" she screams her voice muffled by the glass, rick leans forward his mouth barely moving to whisper her name. Tommy opens the car door and shoves her inside negans mouth in a frown at how aggressive he was, pushing the lock button her hand moves away from the handle in defeat. Leaning forward he puts the key in the ignition "Let's go home" he hums starting the car. Driving away malice stays silent and unmoving for awhile before turning towards him to ask a question but sees the bat and turns all the way towards the back seat.

Staring at lucille, negan smiles as he looks over her face and how she looks like her mother, his smile slowly diminishes when she turns back around. Getting a short look at her eyes glossy and red before she looks out the window. Looking down at her hand with the diamond on it negan wonders why's she still with him shaking his head he questions "What do you see in ol ricky anyway" he laughs. After a moment of silence she turns towards him her soft swallow loud in the quiet car "He's a good man" she answers quietly. Chuckling again he glances at her before looking back at the road "Really" his chuckle dies down "He wasn't very nice back there."

She shakes her head a frown on her lips "I hope you never take a breath without remembering the ones you've taken away" she hisses her voice tight. Turning back towards the window her head leans against the seat her quiet yawn going through the car. Driving infront of the rest of the saviors his eyes keep flicking over to her, his and lucilles only child. His hand tightens around the steering wheel as her words from earlier hang over his head 'Mine and ricks, I was six months, she turned in my arms' looking back over to her he looks down at the bracelet accompanied by a worn brown one.

When she yawns again he watches her blinking become slower before she doesn't open them again. Moving his hand from the steering wheel he moves the hair out of her face, her expression relaxed and not fearful or full of anger. Tucking her hair behind her ear he smiles a genuine smile with his eyes full of adoration and fondness, his chest warm with protective affection. With a pang of guilt in his stomach he pulls his hand away and looks away from her. He didn't want her to see it but he didn't want to lie to her 'Better to hate the truth than to love a lie'

Getting to the sanctuary negan puts the charger in park and turns the engine off, unlocking the doors he takes the keys out of the ignition. Stepping out of the car he shuts the door as quietly as he can before opening the back door and getting lucille out. Sighing he watches the vehicles pull in, one of the saviors go to the front door to open it "Don't, I got her" his voice has a hard edge to it "Sorry boss" the guy backs up nodding his head. Going to the front he stands by the door turning to the savior "Go get dwight for me" he orders, the savior nodding and turning around.

Dwight comes up their heads turning to a short yell on the fence, huffing negan turns back to his third in command. Handing lucille out to him the man takes it gently "Find her bat and make sure it gets cleaned and back to her" he instructs, dwight nods and backs up. Negan opens the door and malice turns her head away from the sun, bending down into the car he puts his hand under her knees and around her back. Pulling her out she barely opens her eyes "Shhh go back to sleep" he says quietly, readjusting her she closes her eyes and turns her head into him.

Turning around he looks down at his daughter her mouth slightly ajar "Keep up" he tells dwight. Walking behind negan he looks at the top of malice's head and remembers the train tracks 'Daryl' she yells squirming in his grip' looking down he follows him inside. Walking down the halls the saviors kneel as negan walks by, going up the stairs he takes her to a room closer to his. Opening the red door he walks into the smaller room, laying her on the twin bed he takes her boots off and puts them by the bed.

Looking back at dwight he jerks his head signaling for him to get out, nodding dwight leaves the room. Turning back to his daughter he gets down on his knees, pushing her hair out of her face wiping the small spot of drool collecting on the corner of her mouth. Wiping the saliva on his jeans the corners of his mouth turns up when she turns towards him the two beads hitting each other catching his attention. Turning her wrist he looks over the scars his smile fading into a frown.

Leaning forward he gently presses his lips to her forehead a quiet groan coming from her mouth. Smiling he stands up and walks out of the room carefully shutting the door behind him. Taking the bat from dwight he starts to walk down the hall "Find her some new clothes, for when she wakes up" he orders. Dwight clears his throat "I'll see to that myself and I'll find her bat" he assures his boss. Walking out onto the cat walk the saviors kneel below him "My daughter has been found and will be treated with the same respect as me" he starts his voice booming in the building.

"You will kneel when she walks by and you will listen to her orders, no questions asked" he announces "And because this is a big day everyone will get fresh fruit and or vegetables at dinner tonight and tomorrow" the crowed applauds. He grins as he looks down at the people "As you were" he calls, standing up they go about their business and getting back to their jobs. Turning to dwight he puts his arm around his shoulders "Find erin, lily's been wanting to see him" Dwight nods and pulls away to find his wife's brother.

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