Chapter 28

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Walking out of the back door I swing my bat as we carefully move down the sidewalk to the lot in the back. Rick leans down picking up something in the tall grass, handing me a baretta. Wiping off the dirt I check the magazine as we come to a stop behind two dumpsters. Putting the empty gun in my waistband I look past ricks shoulder out at the walkers roaming around. I raise my bat to my shoulder pointing at the fence with my pinky "There's a giant hole in the fence" I whisper.

"Yea, we gotta take care of the ones out here and block that gap to so we can take the rest slow" he explains lowly. Scanning the walkers I count them in my head "Seven eight" he utters checking the other side. "That car--I can block it off I can take out that one on the way you draw the rest" he lays out his plan. I clear my throat slightly "Eight, by myself" I nod my head taking my bag off.

He straightens his back "We could shoot them but that would draw the rest from the field this is about doing it quietly with the club" I pull my bat off my shoulder. Looking it over I furrow my brows "That's what it's called, huh" I shrug letting it hang by my legs. "But still, eight" I look up to him, shrugging his bag off he scoffs lightly "I've seen you take out more" he smiles backing up.

Rolling my eyes I mumble "I could say the same thing about you" he looks back at me a smile on his lips. Moving behind the other dumpster looking out at the dead, clearing my throat he looks over. Pointing at me I point ahead before doing the same to him, he holds his hand out and I sigh gripping my bat" walking out I whistle while lightly tapping the metal with my bat. 

The walkers slowly start turning and moving towards me, backing up I swing my bat at the first walker. The skull cracks and the body falls, I raise my weapon before bludgeoning the next walker. Going around the other side I push the top spike into it's forehead. Pulling it out I swing at the next walker, stepping over the body to get to the others. Glancing over at my husband I watch him pull a walkers foot off, grimacing I look ahead of me.

Swinging down on the head of the first one the walker falls, backing up I watch the walker behind it stumble. Bringing my back up the walkers head flies back it's it's neck split open as it falls to the ground. Stomping on its head I shrug off the walker by the treeline. Jogging to the car I put my hands on the open trunk helping Rick push. He looks back "You got your eight walkers I can push" raising my brows I step back crossing my arms.

The car barely stutters and slows down Rick looks back and I smile putting my hands back on the car "Just steer us correctly Vin Diesel" I comment. Hopping in he shuts the door, groaning I lean closer to the car pushing harder. The car starts to go "The brakes don't work" he calls out, stepping away from the car bullets start to hit the ground in front of me. Ducking I cover my head with my arms trying to look at the attacker, finally getting a clear view I see the walker from earlier with a rifle.

"Fuck" I hiss running forward towards the car, jumping in the trunk I grab the hood quickly shutting it. We continue rolling till I feel us come to a stop and the walkers start to bang on the car. Huffing I try to move in the cramped space, feeling along the back of the seat the middle gives. Sitting by the light Rick calls out quietly "Mal, you good" sighing I nod my head even through he can't see me "I'm fantastic, what about you" I ask turning my head.

He's quiet for a moment "Yea, I think we over shot it" I chuckle at his confession "Yea, I think we did too" moving out of the trunk I lay in the back seat. "It was a good plan though" I giggle moving to the floor "The kind of plan that sounded to perfect" I wince when the handle of my bat pushes against my boob. Moving my bat away I lay my head back slightly "I got a plan" he whispers "And what's that Sherlock" I ask sarcastically.

"There's a sun roof, I can use your bat to loosen it up and push it out--we jump and just run" he states confident in the plan. Looking at my bat I close my eyes for a moment "Okay" I sigh sitting up. Holding my bat up Rick takes and and bangs the handle against the glass. Sitting on the seat he hands me my weapon before slamming his palms against the glass popping the window out.

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