Chapter 5

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I type the Video's title on youtube finding the video that I need for my work. Within the second's thousands of video's pops out of the search engine. I click the Video and seeing it carefully. I already completed my school so I have Nothing to worry about now. I focus on my laptop but suddenly I feel that someone is behind me. I look back only to find Lorenzo peaking on my work. I quickly close it so he can't see what exactly I am doing. And I know whatever I am doing is illegal. I hope he didn't notice it. My brother furrow his eyebrows.

"What do you want, love? "I ask.

"I see what you are doing and besides it is illegal. "He said folding his hands on his chest.

"Please don't tell it to anyone. "I plead.

"Okay. "He replies smirking. Thank god. "But you have to tell me everything." He finished. I should have known.

"What I have to tell you. "I play dumb.

"Ok, then I am going to dad. "He said rolling his eyes.

"Ok fine. I will explain you. "I sigh in defeat, he starts grinning.

Ok so from where I can start. "Well, I am pretty close to finding the killer. Yesterday I got a mail from her and she told me not to tell anyone or she will kill me. And here I am learning to hack systems to find killers. "I finish and look at him.

"Ok I believe you and I am going to help you to find the killer. Got that. "He asks. I never thought that.

"But I want to prove dad. "I replay frowning.

"You can find a killer but I am going to stay with you because I don't want you to get hurt, "  he replies.

I nod at him. I ask him to learn with me and after a few hours we learned everything, I mean most of the things about the hacker. Yay. He is with me if dad finds out then I can blame everything on him. I giggle mentally at the thought of it.

"So the killer is a girl from our school. "He speaks up. I nod. "She wears a hoodie, it is possible that it can be a nerd," he asks logically.

"It can't be possible are you mad. A nerd seriously. " I glare at him.

" Hey sis I am just picking puzzles," he replies glaring back.

"I can't believe that nerds are shy they can't even catch the knife. " I replay back.

"Don't judge, remember bad things happen in a silent place. " he warns me. " besides people can act fake. "

" you are becoming reasonable. " I sigh.

A nerd. She wears a hoodie and I had marked the killer's hoodie. No one likes Evelyn she always bullies most of the kids but not physically. Dean is a mess after her incident but he already broke up with Everlyn. And he was with his new girlfriend Rowena Jackson. But Rowena was a nerd back then why she changed herself. Or she was just acting like a nerd. No, she was kind back then, it is not possible. She gets changed in last summer vacation when I was not here in this country. Why she got changed. She was a straight-A student, good in studies. What happened to her. She won't answer my question. I am sure.

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