Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ellie’s POV

My back pressed against the cold stone of the club. I slid down until I felt the sidewalk beneath me. Oh god! Was all I could think. Everything is wrong. I had just lost the love of my life. I must me the stupidest person in the world! Words can’t explain how devastated I’m feeling. It’s my fault. How could I do that?

People walked past either giving me odd looks or completely ignoring me. The club door opened and the music became louder for a second or two.

“I take you told him then?” Kellin’s familiar voice asked. I just nodded burying my face in my knees. The tears just kept coming. My body was just filled with depression right now. I think the main thing that hut the most was that Jaime didn’t ever want to see me ever again. To be honest I’m not surprised.  “What happened?” He asked sitting down next to me.

“He doesn’t want to see me again.” Was all I could manage out before choking up again. Kellin’s arm slipped around my shoulder. I shrugged it off. It was his fault all this happened. But still he’s my friend. “Did you tell your girlfriend?” I asked, she probably didn’t take it well. Kellin shrugged.

“Yeh. She took it better than Jaime.” Kellin spoke up over the noise of the club as the door opened again. A girl with short, red scene hair strode out obviously looking for something. Her face sort of lit up when she saw Kellin. “This is her. Ari meet Elliott.” Kellin spoke sounding slightly ashamed.

“Hey.” The girl responded quietly, sitting down next to Kellin. She put her hand in his. I wish that’s what would be happening with me and Jaime. They seemed to be fine. “So your Elliott Skye’d.” Ari started. Her tone was hard to understand. “You’re probably wondering how we are still together after the news of what you two did.” I nodded. I couldn’t tell if she hated me or didn’t have an opinion. “Elliott, I don’t hate you. This happened to me before Kel. So I understand what happened and I don’t care.” Wish Jaime was that understanding.

“How are you so ok with it?” I asked her, slightly confused. There was obviously going to be some tension between the two.

“I just understand.” Was all she said. Great, I’m gonna be a charity case. I can’t carry on Warped like this, but I’m going to let Jake, Sean and Bekka down. No one will be understanding; they’ll think I’m a terrible friend and girlfriend.  Then there’s the matter of Vic and co. I ran my shaky hands through my hair. Oh god!

“I can’t stay here. “ My gaze fell on to Kellin. He nodded.

“Neither. We could catch a plane tomorrow. Get your stuff and you could stay with us for a while. If that’s alright Ari?” Kellin asked. Ari just nodded. “What you gonna tell Vic and your band?”

“The truth. They’ll find out from Jaime sooner or later.” Even his name gave me pain now. Taking my phone out, I called Jake. He picked up on the third ring.

“Hello?” He wasn’t inside the club, there was no music.

“Hey Jake. I have something to tell you and you need to tell it to Vic, Tony, Mike, Bekka and Sean.” Shoot the messenger rather than being shot myself.  “I did something terrible and I cannot carry on Warped.”

“Oh.” Jake replied. “What did you do?” Taking a deep breath, I just told him.

“I broke Jaime’s heart. Ask him if you want the details.” Then I hung up before Jake could question me anymore.  Kellin hugged me then stood up, taking Ari’s hand. “We also need to pull out. So I’m gonna call now to get it out the way.” Kellin nodded and got his phone out too.

After my quick phone call, I found Kellin hugging Ari and mumbling something, He gave me a small smile and we walked back to the venue. My bus was empty, as expected. Kellin and Ari went to Sleeping with Sirens’ bus. I knew Kellin would feel like he let down his band, I know I have. Finding all my bags I walked out and met Kellin and Ari both holding a suitcase and other bags each.

“Ari called a taxi there should be here anytime. And we can get plane tickets when we get there.” Kellin stated. The way he spoke felt like we were planning a robbery. He seemed nervous and kinda upset. Ari and I nodded in sync. We all walked to the road to find a taxi just pulling up. The driver got out and helped with our bags. This was going to be one of the worst year of my life.


We got to the airport. Luckily for us the traffic was pretty good and there were still first class tickets left for the next flight. We were on the other side of America. Florida to San Diego. The flight would be about six hours apparently, be about 3 in the morning when we get there. I think I don’t know, I don’t get time zones.

“Ellie, we should be going to the gate now. They’re boarding in few minutes.” Ari spoke to me. I nodded and she rubbed my back. Ari was really nice and understanding. It’s kinda weird that she is. Her boyfriend cheated on her.

“It’ll work out Ellie. It always does!” Kellin reassured as we got to the gate. Again I nodded. Seems to be the only action I can do.

“Now boarding Florida to San Diego.” The lady on the intercom called. Kellin pushed me gently forward, Ari following close behind. I handed my ticket and passport to the lady. She nodded and let me through. We were lucky that security was extremely quick. First class wasn’t too busy. The white leather seats are extremely comfortable.

“So what you gonna do when you get home?” Ari asked both me and Kellin. I was sitting by the window, Kellin next to me and Ari was on the isle.

“Get all my belongings from my home and put them in storage until I find a place of my own.” I mumbled, taking out my headphones. “They can keep the house. Too many bad memories are there.” Kellin lightly held my hand, obviously not wanting to hurt Ari.

“We’ll help you get all your stuff.” Kellin reassured. Some girl was sitting across from us, with some guy who was probably her dad. She just kept staring.

“Do you have a problem or something?” I snapped at her. She instantly looked away. Kellin stared at me, probably shocked.

“Ellie!” Kellin whisper-shouted. I shrugged it off and made myself comfortable, putting my headphones in. Kellin became slightly frustrated. Closing my eyes I let the music take me away.

Even later…

I was awoken by someone shaking me. I looked to find it was Kellin. He was standing above me.

“Hey El, we’ve landed and a taxi is waiting.” His voice was soft and soothing. Ari was probably outside waiting for us. Kellin had got my hand luggage down for me and handed it to me when I got myself together. We were the last people to leave the plane and Ari was waiting for us as I expected.

We all walked to security and once again it was quick and simple. Never have I experienced it so quick. Unbelievable. My eyes wouldn’t stay open.  I was so tired now. Depressed makes me tired.

“Taxi is here and I have organised a moving van to pick up all your stuff later on today.” Ari spoke. All I could do was hug here. She was being so noble and nice. Either she felt sorry for me or she was like this all the time and I like that.

It was early morning and the roads were quiet, so the journey to my ‘home’ was quick. Tony’s truck was there and along with everyone else cars. Tears sprung to my eyes. Oh the memories. Kellin and Ari didn’t object to start packing away all my stuff. All my stuff was in my room, except from the DVD’s but I could leave them. Where to start?

“Do you have any boxes?” Ari asked. Matter of fact I did, from when I moved here from me ‘mum’s’.

“I’ll go get them.” They were in the closet down the hall. A whole stack of the, filling up half the cupboard even though they had been flattened. Bringing them back, I found Kellin had started on my random belongings and put them in a pile, Ari was sorting my shoes. Did she have a surprise at how many I had! Thought I’d start on me clothes then/ I was never the one for neatness. It only just hit me, this was the end!

~Comment AND VOTE!! Please? Want to know what y'all think of this chapter. I am ill today so am going to write more but when i'm better school will be in the way so not as much writing but hey. Vote please! love y'all! nattyx~

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