Chapter Eighteen

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Jaime’s POV

My three weeks were pretty boring. Ellie had not come to see me. Apparently she was too busy. I missed her but I’m not sure she felt the same way. My love for her is slowly dying. I know what that sounds like but it really is. Charley and Vic were gradually planning their wedding. It sounds weird. Your best friend’s wedding. By now I thought I would be married to Ellie, but Warped had come in the way. It was one of those thoughts always in the back of my mind. But still I saw her around even if she didn’t speak to me.

“Jamito! Jamito, get up!” Vic moaned. I was awake but just staring at my bunk wall. I rolled out and put a smile on my face. “Ahh Jamito!” Vic said, with an attempt of a Mexican accent.

“Do you mind not calling me that?” I commented, slightly laughing. Where had it come from? Mike was sitting on the couch, Bekka on his lap on her phone. “Hey Bekka!” I chirped. She looked up and smiled.

“Jaime come here!” She patted the seat next to her and Mike. Bekka was a really good friend to us, ever since the first day Mike brought her home she just clicked with all of us but mainly Ellie… and Mike of course.

“What?” I asked, really wanting a shower before we had to go.

“Look! It’s Ellie!” She pointed at her phone and laughed. The picture was of Ellie, obviously, on stage looking slightly demented. I laughed with Bekka and Mike.

“Where’d you get this?” I asked Bekka, smiling at my maniac of a girlfriend.

“Some website. JettahCorezBandography.” I nodded, recognising the name.

“Did you say Jet?” Tony piped up. I hadn’t even noticed he was sitting across from us. Wow, he was like a teenage mutant ninja turtle! Bekka nodded and so did I. “My new best friend!” Tony announced proudly. Bekka looked surprised.

“Her photos are incredible!” I agreed and so did Mike. “Do you like her Tony?” Bekka teased. Tony’s cheeks blushed slightly and he looked down at his hands.

“He does!” Mike screeched.

“Now, now Mike.” I consoled. I got up and sat next to Tony, placing my arm around his shoulder. “Is she pretty?” I questioned, feeling happy for the first time today.

“Yeh. She’s like prettier than Henri was.” Well, she must have been pretty. Henri was a model at Charley’s clothing company. I mean she wasn’t as pretty as Ellie but she was pretty.

“Ooh.” Bekka was intrigued. “You got her number?” She asked. Guys, I’m asking the questions. I laughed. Tony nodded. Bekka’s face lit up and Mike smirked.

“You kissed her yet mate?” Mike teased. Bekka and Mike are troublesome. Tony’s cheeks became red like chili sauce.

“OH MY GOSH TONY!” Bekka screeched then cracked up laughing. Mike ‘wooed’.

“You’re back in the game Turtle!” I comforted.

“Just a bit of advice. If you really like her, just go for it!” Tony nodded and smiled. I hugged him.

“I’m sad that Ellie doesn’t want sexy time anymore.” Bekka sniggered and Mike slapped her arm. I know when I’m not wanted. “Guys, ima go in the shower.” Standing up, Vic came from the kitchen area with Charley. I smiled at them both and grabbed some clothes before entering the bathroom. The shower was cold. No hot water! This dampened my day. I stepped in to the shower, after taking my clothes off, obviously. I hate cold showers. Ellie always spent forever in the shower. And so did Charley and so did Bekka. I guess girls spend hours in here for no reason. So by the end of it I had to shower in cold water. I hate a lot of things. I hate getting up early. And so on. You could say I’m grouchy today. I started humming a new song Vic was working on, not sure what it’s called just know the tune. There was a knock on the bus door. Mike shouted them to come in. The shower drowned out the rest. Another knock but this time on the bathroom door.

“Who is it?” I questioned.

“Ellie!” She raised her voice so I could hear her. I instantly stopped the shower. My hair was plastered over my face. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to the door. A massive smile was across my face. Every time I see her my love re-kindles. Unlocking the door I popped my head out. She was standing there in her Sleeping with Sirens tee. I was wrong my love hadn’t re-kindled. What was wrong with me? This was the love of my life standing in front of me. My soul mate!

“Hello.” Was all I could manage. Hello? Hello? Seriously. By the look on her face she felt the same as me. It’s just a waiting game now, to see who cracks first. I don’t want to hurt her more. “I’ll be out in a minute.” I announced, still beaming at the beautiful person in front of me. I shut the door and dried my body, throwing on my clothes after. I left my hair wet as the whole process can wait. I crept up to the door at the back and flung it open, to find Ellie sitting quite content on the sofa, staring at the TV. Her eyes darted to me as I threw myself at her. She giggled and I fell on to the floor. Her laugh! I love it! She placed her head on the side of the sofa and looked down at me. Her smile also was like nothing you have seen before.

“Hello.” Ellie whispered. Her voice was croaky today, I’m guessing she drunk some last night.

“Hi.” I said teasing her. Her face dropped. My face was still plastered with a smile. I pulled her down on to me. She did her little giggle again that made my heart melt. But still my feelings had not strengthened. Ellie nestled her face in to my chest. She used to do that all the time.

“I love you.” She mumbled. My face finally fell. What do I say?

“I guess I love you too!” I said back. I choked up. I had just lied. Ellie and I said no secrets. But if I told her it would break her heart. Ellie propped herself up on my chest and stare at me. I hugged her tightly. For a few minutes she just stared at me, love in her eyes. I stuck my bottom lip out for many reasons. One: because I couldn’t do this anymore, two: because I wanted her lips on mine and three: she looked as if she was going to leave me. My wish was answered when Ellie’s lips collided with mine. She kissed me for a minute or so then broke free.

“I’ve been waiting three weeks for that.” I exclaimed. She smiled, showing her perfect white teeth.

“Me too but I’ve got to get going.” My face sank. I loved her but it wasn’t the same and I just wanted her to stay.

“I’m sorry.” She apologised and bit her lip. No don’t leave! I want you here. So I can try and make my love for you stronger. It sounds really soppy but I don’t want to be without Ellie.

“It’s ok. What you doing at lunch?” I asked her, trying to make her believe I forgave her.

“Probably with Kel but you can join us if you like.” My heart sank. Kellin was one of my best friends but every time I saw them together I was reminded they had been together longer than I’ve been with Ellie. I nodded and got one last kiss before Ellie climbed off of me. “See you later!” She chirped. The kiss did nothing to me. Much to my sadness. Her emotions were hard to read. I am normally able to read what she is feeling but now I don’t know. She’s like a whole new person, a stranger.

 ~ Oh No! What is gunna happen! I'm mean... Anyway I dedicated this to the person up there because they are a very big fan and is always commenting and messaging me. And i love it!

I won't be writing as much from now on due to school but i will try my best!~

You Told Me Think About It (Pierce The Veil & Of Mice & Men Fanfic) SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now