Chapter Five

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Austin’s POV

We went inside whilst Jet was visiting this Josh boy, but I followed her as you do. A guy jumped out at Jet.

“Don’t do that!” Jet said, jumping.

“Sorry.” The guy bit his lip. I presumed he as the Josh guy. I mean he was a good looking guy. “Anyway, I’m sorry that I haven’t been taking it in that you have dumped me-” They were together but they weren’t now.

“Josh, if there’s something going on just tell me.” He looked at the floor. Jet seemed uncomfortable and fidgeted on the spot.

“Jet, I was seeing another girl whilst we were together. Not like the others. And she dumped me and I came back to you. I was just lonely.” Oh wow, you really do know how to treat a girl well. And what did he mean, not like the others?

“Josh we can still be friends, I like it that way. You’ll never be lonely.” Why would she want to be friends with a cheater? She took his hands in hers. Josh sighed.

“I wish. But the fact is that I cheated on you. I should never have done that.” Yeah boy, stay away from her now on.

“I really do not care Josh. It was the past and I like to think you can learn from that. Enough said. And we’re on Warped and you’re in a band, any girl would want that.” She poked his chest and had a sweet smile on her face. Then pulled him in to a hug.

“Thank you Jet. For understanding I mean.” She turned and walked away from him. I hide more behind the bush.  “See ya around then.” She smiled at him. Once she made him happy.

“Sure.” Their lips collided and I was overcome by jealousy. Were they now together? Jet didn’t fight back, she carried on. I was getting confused. I fell over in to the bush but got back up again. Hope they didn’t notice.  Josh pulled away, smiling.

 “What did that mean?” He asked, still smiling. Jet shrugged, looking at the floor.

“I don’t know. If it did mean anything, your ways have to change.” She turned and walked towards me. I backed away hoping she didn’t she me. What was going on?

Ellie’s POV

We had finally got there, kinda. We were staying here for the night then going to the place a few minutes down the road. Anyway, I was on the bus with Sean, Jake and Bekka.  We were all taking it in turns to play Fifa, Sean was the champion at the moment. Jaime was with the guys on the other bus, obviously. I missed him.

“WOOOO! SUCKERS!” Sean boomed. It scared me a bit, wasn’t expecting it to be that loud. Our manager came up to us, laughing.

“Nice to know you won Sean but we’re here so.” He signalled for us to head out. I rushed out the door, nearly falling over. Luckily Jake was there to catch me. It was dark and a few lights were lit up around the place.

“Woah, slow down.” I broke out in laughter with him. He hugged me. “Warped tour finally.” He smiled at me. Jake became a really good friend with me the past few months, he just understood me.

“Hey dude back away from ma girl!” I heard Jaime joke from the right. I turned my head to find him beaming and his arms out. I ran in to them.

“Hello, stranger.” I chirped. It had only been quite a few hours, but I was happy to see him again. He put his hands on my face and I put mine around his neck.

“If I was a stranger you probably wouldn’t let me do this.” He kissed me on the lips. I couldn’t help but smile. Vic came and squeezed my sides, I squealed at this.

You Told Me Think About It (Pierce The Veil & Of Mice & Men Fanfic) SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now