Winston's associates began work on the special project. A specially designed formula. But Winston himself didn't want to be known that he was associated with it. He was just doing this to give something back.
Brooklyn continued to talk to him at his place at night when he wasn't doing patrols or other missions.
Winston had to ask, "How do you feel about kids? I mean, would you want to have some of your own someday?"
"Sure. But given that I don't have a girl right now, it just seems impossible. I just hope I find one before the next breeding year. We all need to try to bring back numbers to our clan. And we won't be able to bring back the numbers fast enough." Brooklyn explained.
"Can you explain that?" Winston asked, and Brooklyn explained the facts of gargoyle breeding cycles. He knew the man was just curious as being a vet and all. He had posed no threat to him, so he told him.
..............With such a shortage of females was being a problem for this project for the ones creating this special gift. Winston was supervising it, and he knew they would have to improvise. Come up with a different way of doing it.
The formula was nearing completion though. Now it just needed a host. This was just one part of the project that seemed to be going right.
Winston needed Brooklyn for the next part. He had an idea of how to get what he needed. He hated thoughts of any what seemed like betrayal of trust, but he just wanted to give Brooklyn this special gift he had in mind. He deserved something more than just what he had currently. He needed something more in his life. Winston saw he loved his clan mates, but he saw how sad his red friend was.
...............Brooklyn visited Winston at his apartment one night. They had been friends now for three weeks. He had done his patrol for the night and the others were doing nothing to help with his boredom.
Winston was willing to offer Brooklyn a meal while they watched a movie together.
"Brooklyn, do you want some food? I have this dynamite movie that has some motorcyclists in it. I figured it would interest you since you said you like them." Winston offered. "We can watch it while we eat."
"Sure. Thanks. What is it?" Brooklyn smiled.
"Some cheeseburgers and mashed potatoes."
"Sure, thanks."
Winston got to work on making their dinner. Brooklyn just watched some TV while waiting, then they would watch the movie.
When the food was done, Winston separated his food from Brooklyn's. He got the potatoes he wanted, then added a packet of powder into the rest of the potatoes. Brooklyn came out and grabbed what he wanted too, and put on his burgers ketchup and mustard. He didn't mind onions and pickles on them either.
They both went into the living room and Winston put in the movie finally. From there, they both just enjoyed eating their meal. Brooklyn had taken the rest of the potatoes. Winston eyed him warily, but he went on eating his own food.
Brooklyn ate his two cheeseburgers just fine. It was when he ate the potatoes that Winston was really watching him. He managed to eat all the potatoes.
"Thanks for dinner, Winston." Brooklyn said gratefully.
"You're welcome." the man replied.
Not long after, Brooklyn felt dizzy and his vision began to get blurry. He held his head and moaned. He closed his eyes.
"Something wrong?" Winston asked.
"I just have a headache all of a sudden." Brooklyn replied tiredly.

FanfictionA member of the PIT crew of humans wanted to grant Brooklyn a special gift, even if it wasn't given the normal way.