a world alone pt.1 - Kai Parker

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Firstly, I'd like to mention socio_KAI_path1972 and thank them for this one shot request and secondly I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN AGES SINCE YOU REQUESTED THIS AND I'M POSTING THIS NOW we blame my fucked up mental health lmao

"I'm freaking sick of these pancakes!"

"Well? Those pancakes sitting in front of you are waiting for the Bennett in you to become witchy again so to get us all the hell outta here!"

"God Damon, don't you see I've been trying?"

You woke up to the noise of Damon and Bonnie bickering, yet again.


Another morning, with another set of tantrums to fill the daily quota. Thinking about it, it was almost like the two couldn't get a good night's sleep without getting at each other's throats at least once in a day.

And to make things even better, Kai had been living in the same house as the rest of you bunch ever since you three stumbled upon him. How wonderful, you sighed deeply.

Pressing your face deeper into your pillow, you pulled your sheets over your head again, thinking a few more minutes of sleep won't do any harm. But just as you thought you'd get to have an uninterrupted nap in peace, you felt a set of arms pull your covers off of you, leaving you cold.

Your eyes shot open, settling on the ocean-blue ones of Kai, who was busy smirking.

Ah yes, why won't he laugh if I look like a chicken first thing in the morning, you thought. But in reality, that wasn't exactly the reason why Kai was smiling to himself. He looked you all over, noticing how messed up your brunette hair was and how you narrowed your eyes at the sudden rays of light your way.

Cute, he thought.

"What the hell Kai! Why can't you just leave me alone for once! What if I was naked?" you shrieked. Kai just chuckled, the light sound of his laugh enough to send your heart in a wild frenzy. God, get a hold of yourself Y/N, you thought.

"Well, by the looks of it you're definitely not naked but if you were, I wouldn't have minded," He winked at you, the smirk on his face widening. You huffed, frustrated by the cute witch standing in front of you. Why did he have to be so good looking?

"I literally just woke up, Kai. Would it kill you to give me a little space?" You asked, exasperated.

Not paying heed to what you said, Kai made his way to you, sitting down on your right after making space for himself on the bed. As he raised his arms to rest them on the back of his head to make himself comfortable, your eyes caught sight of his delectable biceps, all toned up for you to see.

You swallowed, as your eyes kept lingering up and down his body. With the way he looked ridiculously good in that stupid black Nirvana shirt he was wearing, you were now restraining yourself from doing anything you would regret later.

Kai snapped his fingers in front of you, breaking you from your dazed state. He noticed how your cheeks flared up at being caught staring at him, and he was thoroughly enjoying this.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or did I just witness Y/N checking me out?" He chuckled, "Woah, the sun really must have risen the other way today."

"Shut up dumbass, I wasn't checking you out," you said, trying not to look flustered. He kept eyeing you, barely believing your words. You continued, "I was still in a daze, from, you know, sleep?"

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