my neighbour - Brandon North

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"Brandon! Open the fucking door!"

I paused from banging on his door, sighing deeply, my mind hazy. This was possibly the worst time to do this, yet I couldn't stop myself from dashing for his door the first thing after I woke up from that god-awful dream.

Will he think I'm a jerk for doing this? Possibly. But do I care? Absolutely not.

All I could think about at the moment was how badly I wanted him to rip my clothes off of me.

Finally I exhaled, hearing a click of the door, signalling that he's opening it. As the door opened, my eyes fell on Brandon, my mouth falling slightly open at the rather luscious sight in front of me.

His gleaming upper body was on full display, sweaty all over from his workout sessions. His muscles looked buffed up, his shoulders looking more defined than usual. And then, were his abs, which made him look like a freaking Greek god, giving you a feeling which was nerve wracking and ridiculously frustrating at the same time.

Well, relieving my frustration is more important than my hatred for him right now, I reminded myself.

As I continued to scan his delectable torso, my travelling gaze stopped at his eyes. His eyes were narrowed down at me in confusion and, in visible frustration.

"It's 8pm Y/N, what do you want now?" Brandon spoke in an irritated tone, suggesting that he didn't like being interrupted, especially by someone he utterly despised, which was me.

We both had a kind of deep hatred for the other which was annoying, but fun to keep going, even though neither of us would ever actually admit it.

It was decidedly mutual, so it took up a big part of my pride to admit that I didn't really hate him at this point. It was something else I felt for him entirely.

"Did you hit your head and forget which door was yours?" He snickered.

Nope, I still hate him.

Without saying anything, I slowly made my way inside his apartment, with a dangerous intensity in my stance, which made Brandon look twice.

He had looked nothing but annoyed when I first appeared at his doorway, but now that I was staring at him, an ulterior motive clearly brewing in the back of my mind, he ran his gaze all over me.

I was dressed in a nightgown, my black bralette peeking out of the neckline. My hair was disheveled, my chest rising with each breath I took. He tensed, catching onto the change in my demeanor.

I raised an arm and splayed my palm on his chest, pushing him further and further back, till his body struck the wall and I'd caged him in.

His eyes flicked down to my lips. "Did someone happen to have remembered the very steamy encounter they had with me a few weeks back?"

That remark reminded me of how I'd accidently happened to have kissed Brandon in the heat of the moment sometime back. I remembered him kissing me back, even for just a few seconds, before our rationale kicked in and we backed away from each other in a few seconds.

Even though we both had agreed on forgetting about the incident, I couldn't shake off the feel of his lips on mine for days straight.

I dropped your gaze to stare at his lips too, itching to draw them between mine. Regarding him with a lustful stare, I whispered, drawing my lips close to his jaw. "Actually, I did. And, it's more than just that."

His eyes looked blazed, his expression looking like if he could, he'd have me his way right then and there. But he knew he couldn't, not until I gave him the go-to.

Chris Wood ~ Character Imagines + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now