co-stars - Chris Wood

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u can still come over - BETWEEN FRIENDS

The sun was almost down.

I hurriedly parked Damon's Camaro in front of Elena's still standing 1994 house, desperate to jump into the arms of my best friends who had finally, come to rescue me from the shithole that was 1994. They had said that they would wait until sunset for me, and once I'd met up with them, we would all go back to present-day Mystic Falls, back home to the people I loved.

As I sped towards the door, a weird sensation struck me midway, and I opened the door with exaggerated force, panic engulfing me as I spotted no one inside.

The place was empty, with no way to tell that there had been anyone waiting here for me before this at all. I called out for Damon and Elena, but received only the deafening silence of nothingness.
Stunned, I took a step back, then another, then another, with the horrifying realization setting in that they weren't here.

They weren't here.

Tears flooded my vision as I ran that thought over and over in my head, backing up and sinking to my knees struggling to breathe because no one was there. Not Damon. Not Elena. Not anyone.

All my hope got shattered into a million broken pieces inside my heart as I let off a gut-wrenching scream, which did little to salvage the utter mess I was reduced to.

And as I continued to whimper in hurt, the camera slowly panned out, completely exiting the scene.

"And cut!"

Relief passed over you as you saw Ian come up to you, with a proud smile adorning his face, "Great job Y/N, or should I say Bon Bon," He laughed, which made you smile too, in the midst of having shot such an emotional scene.

You slowly got up, taking a deep breath and dusting your shorts, "Well, I think that has to be the most heartbreaking scene I've ever done on TV, great job to you too Mr. Director."

Ian had recently been interested in a little bit of directing and was dying for a directorial debut, so Julie had offered him to direct an episode of season six, part of which you guys wrapped up just now.

The storyline of which you suspected the writers must've stayed up all night writing, trying to figure out ways to torture your character Bonnie in a million ways they seemed to love doing.

The majority of the cast and crew had begun to notice, but you weren't going to speak about it openly just yet.

Bonnie as a character mattered to you a lot more than you let on. As the first major character with a great angle on a network like the CW, this girl meant more to you than all the roles you'd ever played. And having her fate butchered in the show over and over again, it wasn't a surprise that you weren't happy. And today's scene made up for something more emotional and heartbreaking than anything you'd ever acted for on-screen before.

Right now, you felt like disappearing into a puddle of tears, and wanted to go hug the one person who you knew could make you feel better in the sliver of a second.


Ever since he had joined the cast, he gradually became one of the many people to have completely merged in with all of you goofs. Hilarious, handsome, and all things nice, he was the first co-actor to have caught your eye in years.

He wasn't aware (of course) but going over scripts with him, and sometimes practicing your joint scenes were the times you looked the most forward to upon arriving on set. He had a crazy sense of humor, usually something that people would probably term as "crackhead" in today's time, which was one of the many endearing qualities the man possessed. All the time spent with him, conversations that either made you laugh or really look at him and wonder how beautiful of a human he was with that golden heart and the deep, insightful mind of his, had you feeling a different sort of way. And you didn't know what to label that feeling as.

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