Chapter Twenty-Three: Brutus

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Fare woke up to the sound of a machine beeping. She blearily opened her eyes to a grey speckled ceiling. When her vision stabilized, she looked towards the sound and saw a heart monitor off to her right. She noticed an IV line and followed it to her arm. She spotted another tube and realized that she had an oxygen tube in her nose. Fare must have been out for a while because her mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton.

"So, you're finally awake." A voice came from Fare's left.

She startled and turned her head.

"Jasmine." Fare croaked.

She closed the book she was reading and placed it in her lap, "I suppose a thank you is in order. I may not be here right now if it weren't for your quick thinking. So, thanks. How do you feel?"

Fare paused for a moment, "Like I swallowed a fist-full of cotton balls. I feel a dull ache, but I suspect that's the work of the IV."

Jasmine nodded, "They gave you a mild painkiller. Your injuries were already almost healed, but the doctors decided to give you meds to help your healing factor along faster."

She slowly sat herself up, "Where are we?"

"Mercy's Well Clinic. It's a Truthfall medical center."

Fare raised an eyebrow, "A Truthfall medical center. Why?"

"How much do you remember before you blacked out?"

"I remember Novus distracting Crow so I could get us to safety. Leaving you in the pharmacy when the Lightning Fae attacked. Fighting him and I think actually killing him, but I'm not entirely sure because I was experiencing some blood loss and maybe a concussion at the time."

Fare paused, but Jasmine gave her a signal to continue.

"I remember Novus and I being surrounded by Crow and his subordinates. I vaguely recall a second round of fighting and then that's it."

Jasmine touched her chin, "How interesting."

Fare was confused.


"Before I answer that, tell me something first. Fare, how often do you use your Gaze?"

Fare had a hunch as to where she was going but did not question it.

"Never. I've had at least one major incident many years ago. The contacts I wear keep it in check if I slip. I can change my eyes at will, but that's as close as I get to using it on a regular basis. So, tell me Jasmine. You obliviously know something, and I feel like you're trying to pick apart one of your corpses."

Jasmine held up her hands in defense.

"Sorry. That was not my intention. Sometimes it's hard to turn off the doctor mindset." She cleared her throat, "Fare you turned a Commodore to stone."

Fare's eyes went wide, and flashes of the fight came back to her. Crow had her on the ground and the next think she knew she felt her eyes change than nothing. As soon as she realized that she had taken her contacts out, she jerked her head back as she shut her eyes immediately.

"Shit!" She cursed when her head hit the wall.

"Relax Fare. Your contacts are in a dish on the stand next to you. Even if you wanted to, I doubt you would be able to use your ability right now."

Fare hesitated, but opened her eyes slowly, "What do you mean?"

"Think of it like a battery. The more you use it the more reliable it is, but if it sits unused for years on end there is no guarantee that it would work. I suspect that the only reason that you were able to activate it in the first place was the fact that it was becoming a life-or-death situation. You mentioned that you turned someone to stone before. What was the circumstance?"

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