Chapter 7

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As I ran out the bathroom I headed to the gym. After we did some basic drills it was time for the game. The game started and I was doing great making baskets left from right. Then came half time I sat with my team and talked until I looked over at Amity I saw she was laughing and talking to the new kid. Then I felt something I didn't know what it was at first until I realized it was jealousy. I didn't know what to do so I just walked over to them.

"Hey Mia?" I said kind of wondering why she was here

"Hey Luz nice job out there." Mia said

"Thanks Also I'm not trying to sound mean here, but what exactly are you doing here?" I questioned trying to sound as nice as possible

"Oh Amity invited me to come see you for some support because she told me what happened in the bathroom." Mia said

"Oh she did." I faked smiled 

"And she also told you what happened in the bathroom too." I said 

"Yea is that a problem?" She answered back in mean tone

That's when the buzzer went of signaling that it was time to start the second half of the game I walked over to my team before the game started. The second half of the game was going well until I went up for a shot and got shoved out the way which caused me to hit my head on the ground. I woke up in the nurses office. I lifted my head off the little pillow thing, but put back down as my head felt like a weight.  I attempted to lift my head up again and failed once again. After a couple more missed attempts I finally got my head up. I looked to my right so see a window. I saw Amity and Mia. I saw Amity look up and see me. She rushed in my room and hugged me. I didn't really hug back that's when Amity noticed something was off

"Luz what's wrong?" She asked

"What's wrong is that you told Mia what happened in the bathroom and why in the world does my head hurt so bad."

"Mia and I are friends so that's why I told her and your head hurts because you got knocked out and ended up with a concussion."

"Alright I get that you and Mia are becoming great friends, but you just met her this morning and you know I don't like people knowing that I am scared." I kind of said the last part a little louder then I meant to

"Luz it's ok to be scared sometimes." Amity said

Right as I was going to answer the nurse came in 

"Hi Luz I'm Nurse Peggy and it seems that everything looks great so you can go home now." The nurse said

"Ok thanks." I said as she left the room

"Amity you remember when we became good friends I told you that at my school before I came here I got bullied and if the other kids found out that I was scared of something like that I would get bullied by it." I said I then looked out the window to see Mia smirking I then started to wonder why

"Luz this school is different even though Boscha sometimes bullies you it doesn't mean that Mia is going to bully you for being scared of a tryout." Amity said as I got up from the table and walked out of the room with Amity following

"What happened in there." I heard Mia ask Amity as I walked in front of them

"Nothing." I heard Amity answer as we left the school

As Mia was about to call her mom to pick her up Amity offered to drive us home we accepted and we left the school. After Amity dropped Mia off we headed to my house. The car ride was very quiet. When we arrived I got out the car as I was about to open the door I noticed Amity was behind me I walked in and headed to my room. When I got in my room I closed the and crashed in my bed and that's when I heard the door open it was Amity.

"Luz I'm sorry for telling Mia." Amity said as I looked at her

"It's ok Amity." I said 

"Alright bye Luz."

"Bye Amity." I said as I drifted off to sleep


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