Chapter 1

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Photo above is Leon

The school bell rang. "Time to go inside," the supervisor shouted across the school yard, "get to your next class." I ran towards the history shack, and yes it is a shack, for my next class. The history shack was a little shabby building that was quickly thrown together last minute right before the school year started. It had boards painted with an ugly burnt brown, peeling coat of paint revealing another ugly colour, burnt orange. We only have trees with a burnt orange colour around this region of the Farlands. When I got into the shack it was very cramped. There were 10 desks and 20 people. Everyone was complaining about how boring class was going to be. I didn't care because I thought it was the most interesting subject. That day we were learning the Primitivity Story. I had heard it once before during our family gathering. Our teacher rolled the film on the old projector. The narrator explained "After the Earth was created there was peace and harmony throughout the world but once a blade with beautiful powers to preserve was found. Then war struck out between lands, the Farlands, the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Underlands. They became enemies, fighting for the blade and after 7 years of war, the Farlands separated them selves from the land and went out into the oblivion taking the blade with them." the lights turned on frightening the class. The teacher spoke out "I would like a 5 paragraph essay by next class." The whole class groaned. And, the bell rang.

As Reg, he's tall, brown hair, and I, by the way I'm 16, were walking home we found a little boy on the side of the road with a cup asking for money. We hesitated to give him money but, guilt made us give him some money we had been saving up for OBLIVION III the new game release. OBLIVION I & II were starfighter free roam games where you completed peoples tasks but OBLIVION III is supposed to be a hunter and starship free roam. There going to be planets with special things to find that only certain equipment can get you there. When I got home after going to buy the game with "my" debit card, I took a nap on our couch. I was so stressed about the essay that I passed out instantly, yeah most people wouldn't be able to sleep when stressed but I'm special in that way. When I fell asleep I started dreaming, I was in the containment chamber, the blade was glowing strange colour when a mysterious voice shouted "Imbalance" the blade shattered and I was in complete darkness. The scene changed I was in a wasteland full of terrified people surronded or being attacked by humanoid lizard creatures.

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