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(Alex calls up mer)

Meredith: shouldn't you be spending time with your wife

Alex: I am, and that's why I'm calling you

Mereidth: okay?

Alex: we want to buy a bigger place

Meredith: and you need my opinion?

Alex: no, well yes, but I know where we are going to move

Meredith: where?

Alex: well if you okay with it, the dream house

Meredith: that's amazing, but that's a lot of space for two people

Alex: oh jo hasn't told you

Meredith: jo hasn't really talked to anybody since receiving the note

Alex: I'm so sorry

Meredith: well what didn't jo tell me

Alex: well there is going to be one more Karev in our family and we don't have enough room in the loft

Meredith: OMG, I'm so happy for you both

Meredith: can you put me on the phone with jo

Jo: hey, what's up

Meredith: first of all, congratulations

Jo: thank you so much, I'm so excited

Meredith: second, how does he seem, is he acting strange

Jo: no actually he is acting completely normal, I think the whole baby thing is really helping him forget about what happened to him, but there are bruises all over him and I think he is losing his voice

Meredith: ok, do you mind if I come over

Jo: no not at all, he is getting a shower right now though so like an hour

Meredith: okay

Jo: I'll make some food

Meredith: yeah ok

Alex: (yells from the shower) JO I heard that, we might be better off ordering pizza or Thai

(Jo and mer laugh)

Meredith: okay I'll be over in and hour

Jo: okay see you then, thanks

Alex: babe can you come here

Jo: I'm coming

Jo: yeah honey

Alex: can you help me, I can't raise my arms they are very sore, I can't wash my hair

Jo: (jumps in the shower with her clothes on) yeah I got you

Alex: I'm so sorry I put you through this, I'm sorry you have to do this for me

(Jo whispers into Alex's ear): I love you so much, and so does our baby, I will do anything for you

(Alex and Jo get out of the shower and order food)

(Meredith shows up)

(Jo opens the door)

Meredith: I brought wine

Jo:(stares at Meredith) really?

Meredith: oh yeah I forgot, sorry

Alex: (cracking up) I could use some actually

Meredith: yeah you've had a heck of a month

Alex: I'm not really ready to talk about it

(Meredith and Jo look at each other)

Meredith and Jo: it's totally fine

(After three hours of dinner and conversations Meredith leaves)

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