911 What's Your Emergency?

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911 what's your emergency.    

Hello this is dr alex Karev I have been kidnapped by a psychotic women who has two sock puppets on her hands and keeps telling me to say goodnight to them.   

911: ok sir can you tell us your location.

Alex: In a basement somewhere on a farm in Kansas.  

911: ok sir stay on the line. 

Alex: dudes she is coming back with the socks I'm gonna hide the phone.  

911: ok sir stay with us.  

  Alex: can you people get here any faster this lady is really weird she just had a sock hug me and call me daddy. 

   911: help is on the way, do you know the physos name.

Alex: no I don't think so, wait I think it might be my ex wife who cheated on me with a ghost.

911: I have a patrol car around the corner we will be right there.

Alex: will you please call my wife.  

911: yes what is her number

Alex: 555-871-6539

911: ok I will get back to you, stay on the line

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