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"Get the fuck out my room "amanté shouted loudly , putting his gold pistol into his pocket and rolling his weed.

"Shut up, I was fixing my hair" dejà  said walking out the amanté's room running her fingers through her long curly hair .

dejà's phone starts to ring as she exits amantes room and she pick it up *her bsf kayla is calling *

"girl what do you want " dejà says nonchalantly,

"shut up with all that attitude ,i'm gonna come pick you up and see how you doing "

alright then dejà says and hangs up ...

deja and kayla has been friends since primary schools there relationship is on and off but since dejà has had depression she try's to check up on her as much as she can .

kayla arrives at the house and she's wearing a legging set with some yeezy slides , while  dejá wore a leather jacket and jeans with a cute top 🔽
kayla (pretend that's her)✋🏾

kayla arrives at the house and she's wearing a legging set with some yeezy slides , while  dejá wore a leather jacket and jeans with a cute top 🔽 kayla (pretend that's her)✋🏾

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kayla  waited for deja to come out the house , while waiting for her in her Benz , dejà  walked out the house  staring at her phone until she looked up , She stared at kayla  and entered the car

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kayla  waited for deja to come out the house , while waiting for her in her Benz , dejà  walked out the house  staring at her phone until she looked up , She stared at kayla  and entered the car .

they talked until deja's phone rung ..
it was her parents . ...

dejà's parents were very toxic there Relationship was on and off they would fight here and there. Her mum was an alcoholic and her dad was a deadbeat so he was in and out of her and amantès life , he'd only be there if he needed money or some shit , it was hard for her and amantè but they stay there because they have no choice , amantè promised deja that he would make money and get them out of the house .

"where the fuck you been at huh , you probably out there fucking on a boy ain't you , do you want me to fucking die out here " she said sounding intoxicated .

"mum i-" deja said softly

i don't give a shit , i want you here rn and bring amantè with you . she said argumentatively .

kayla looked up at deja and asked her if she was okay .

"drop me home , i can't do this no more "

"alr imma be back at 10 , hopefully you feel better " said kayla dejectedly.

dejá walked out of the car back into the house as kayla drove off .

thoughts Began to race through dejà's head ...
flashback ...

stop let me go , i said i'm sorry dejá shouted ,

"man shut up "her dad exclaimed as he continued beating her ....

the door forcefully shuts behind her and her dad runs out the front door...

"why does everyone treat me like this , i'm fucking tired of this shit bro ", she screams as she cries .
flashback over
2hrs later

deja feels hungry and decides to order some chopsticx from uber eats .

she orders her food and throws her phone onto her bed , she sits up and looks in her mirror at her reflections and admires her features , she admired her pretty brown skin tone and her perfectly put on lashes and closely observes her scars ...

" i wish these scars weren't on my face bro " she says to herself

she puts her hair in a ponytail and texts her brother amanté

"when you coming home ? mums about to come soon"

she locks her phone and proceeds to go downstairs as her doorbell is ringing

"coming"she says in her soft angelic tone

she opens the door and sees a tall lightskin boy with a bag of chopsticks in his hand....

"er , Here is your food " he says . His voice was deep and raspy and he had a nice smile , he Stares at dejas features and hand her the food

deja smiles and blushes and gently closes the door ..
"yo, wait lemme get your number "

he gives deja his blue  iphone xr and deja types her number in it

"thankyou he says , i'll bell you later yeah " he says and walks off

deja smiles and eats her food

her phone pings and it's her brother amantè

"yo i'm not coming home yeah don't wait on me "
alr deja reply's

she eats her food and goes to bed .


make sure you vote for chapter 2 my  loves🤍interact🧡<3

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make sure you vote for chapter 2 my  loves🤍

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