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Next day

I packed my toothbrush and toothpaste , lotion,, mouthwash, wipes and makeup bag, etc. I told my brother and some how he let me go. I stand outside waiting for Kayla . I realise she was finally here and got in the car.

"purrrrrr" She screamed whilst driving. , she was always so loud and i was so quiet. I don't even know how we were able to be friends. "shut up man " I replied. "WE ARE GOING THE MF PARTY " She kept shouting in my ear. I shake my head and continue to sit in silence.

Later on.. ———— We finally reach her house and we were in her room. I take a good look at my self in the mirror and stare , I looked decent for once , it's crazy how makeup can hide everything even my scars and emotions . I couldn't even see properly because the eyelashes were so long .

.We take a picture together and start to make our way out.

Later On.. We finally made it to the block party it was packed. Girls whining , random people controlling them ect . I start to feel uncomfortable, i've never been to a block party so i was new to this environment . I drank on my fanta quietly as i watch my surroundings warily.

I look to my slide and see Levell, he was so fine he was tall , lighskin and clear skin 😩

He approached me ...

"you alright dejá " he asked me with his deep husky tone .

"yeah i'm good " i reply smiling

He puts his arms around me , we talk for awhile and i suddenly hear a loud bang and shouting it sounded like an argument, i looked to my left and there was blood splattered everywhere ...

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