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                           ᵈᵉʲà ᵈᵘⁿé Hᵃᵏᵉᵉᵐ ᵖᵒᵛ

ps- sorry for the short chapters 😕.
"dejá?" My mom shouts. I rolled my eyes. 

how the fuck did she get in the house i complained .

"Yes?" I shout in reply. I heard no response and started jumping around since i was pissed that she was home .

I made my way downstairs and looked at my mom.  ", could you not hear me callin you?" She asked looking at me up and down looking intoxicated.  "I was sleeping " I said lying.

She looked at me and laughed...

i blinked for one split second and there was a knife in her hand ....

Next time i fucking call you !  i want you to come to me instantly with no excuses , you here me little girl

tear instantly started falling down my cheeks as i reminisced the times my dad would abuse me

"yes mum "i weeped

i ran back into my room and locked the door , as i Cried I had the main door shut behind me I let out a sigh of relief.

i'm fucking tired of this shit man , Why can't I just have a normal family with normal parents why does my life have to be like this ffs i screamed .

1hr later

I eventually got myself together took a shower and did my normal hygiene routine. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw bruises on my face , i looked so ugly .

I laid back into my bed and put on a show on Netflix to relax myself , as i check my Notifications from yesterday I saw A text from an unsaved number.

I instantly knew who it was i blushed and saved his number  .

Something about him just seems so different he was polite and was so handsome, but me dejà dunè Hakeem fall in love ?, you must be smoking something lol .

I saw his message ,  and replied yeah i'm fine <3 and locked my phone .

He replied so quick

We talked for hours and hours about our family and plans for the future and his vibe was unmatchable i honestly loved him already . What if he was using me ? Should i really Entertain him or leave him alone? I don't want to be hurt again i think to myself .

I felt hungry so I made my way downstairs  quietly  , hoping nobody was down there .  I looked through the Snack drawer and there was a handfull of  crisps so I took that then went back to my room .


Later on

  I was lying down on my bed, my stomach bloated from the amount of crisps and snacks  i had just ate . I heard my phone ringing and pinging i moan  picking it up.

It was kayla and levell .

i decided to pick up kaylas phone call first
"heyy." I said.  "deja?" She says , i could tell she was exited by the way she was speaking , i knew she wanted to ask me  something dumb.  "Yes?" I said sighing.

  "Please  come  to the block party with me" She said pleasantly.

"are you okay in the head . For what?, me dejá hakeem attend a block part , for what ?" I said screwing my face. I didnt see the reason  why i needed to get out of the of my bed for some block party with ghetto girls who smell of fucking fish and surround myself with boys ew . 

"ooh my fucking days man , imagine ur 17 and you've never  been to a block party " She said exaggerating .  I screwed my face. "What's wrong with not going to a block party, just cause i don't want to it doesn't mean anything kmt ." I say,'looking at my phone dumbly as if she could see me.  "pleaseee man  yolo , fuck what your brother or mum says man , live life , punishments r temporary, memories last forever. "she says .

"Ugh,Fine. When is it?" I said rolling my eyes.

  ", it starts at 10:30pm tomorrow , we can have a sleep over while we're there  don't bring anything too extra. Just bring the stuff you really need ." 

  I kissed my teeth and looked up at the clock. It was 1am and i needed to sleep before my brother came back . I check my phone to see what levells message was and he was Asking me the same  thing about the party , i smile and say , okay and lock my phone and go to sleep .

Stay tuned the next chapter get spicy 🌶
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