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                             Dejá's & Levell's

dejà's pov

"er , Here is your food, " he says. His voice was deep and raspy and his smile was immaculate, he Stares at dejas features and hands her the food

Deja smiles and blushes and gently closes the door ..
"yo, wait lemme get your number "

he gives Deja his blue iPhone XR and Deja types her number in it

"thankyou he says, i'll bell you later yeah, " he says and walks off

Deja smiles and eats her food

her phone pings and it's her brother amantè

"yo I'm not coming home yeah don't wait on me "
alr Deja reply's

she eats her food and goes to bed.


Levelle's pov

"What do you mean?" I ask my assistant manager."I'll need you to work one more shift for me Mr harris, we're running low on staff, just do this one delivery and i'll let you off for the weekend ."

"alright, say nothing," he says and starts stacking receipts.

He packages the order and drives to the house ...

I didn't even want to go kmt , this fucking lady keeps telling me what shifts to do. But Anything that involved money and work i'll be the first to be there.

He arrives at the house and it knocks on the door and rings on the bell

A short brown skin girl opens it

The person opens the door , and I set my eyes on some girl specifically Brown-skin, she had long curly hair. She was so fucking leng, beautiful even. I eye her carefully, and hand her her food.

She says thank you and almost closes the door.

"yo , wait lemme get your number beautiful ", i say .

"alright," she says , her voice was so soft i
, admire her every move, the way her pink nails glided across my screen . FUCK she was so beautiful.

I don't even care call me a simp bro .

She gave my back my phone and i walked back into my car thinking about her ..
my phone rang while i sat in my car ...

It was my bro calling

I told him about Deja ....

"she's probably some hoe".he exclaimed

"bro truss me this one's different man , i might invite her to the block party "

"alr say nothing" he says
I hand up and drive back to my house

I picked up my phone and texted her

"Yo b."

and waited for her response ...

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update soon <3
the next chapter gets more interesting 👀

vote and comment my loves update soon <3the next chapter gets more interesting 👀

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