Chapter 14

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I could tell that Tyler was getting tired so I went over to see if i could take his shift.

"Hey Tyler go get some rest I will take over."

"No its fine. I'm good." He lied. I bared my teeth and shone my eyes and told him to go get some rest.

"Your eyes... they... they turned purple?! Your the Alfa of all werewolf kind!" Tyler whisper/yelled. Of course Chris overheard.

" Your the Lupus Morado?" Chris asked.

"Prove it" Max said. So i showed them my eyes, bared my teeth, and howled. About five minutes later about 70 other tribes showed up and saw me.

"The Lupus Morado!" One of them said. They all bowed, then howled back to me.

"Now you have a pack." Chris said. "A pack of more than 1,000 wolves."

"Holy crap are you serious!" I was so amazed. My team came out of their tents and saw thousands of people bowing to me.

"What the crap is this?" Jake asked. I showed them my eyes.

"Holy crap your the Lupus Morado!?" Chase asked.

"I guess so. At least thats what they have been calling me." I said. " I also have a pack of more than 1000 wolves. How cool is that!" I was so excited.

"Geese! Now we can fight monsters and maybe not loose!" Christen said.

"Maybe doesn't sound good." Blake pointed out.

"It's ok. More than 1000 is plenty. Its a mix of Betas, Ultimate, hybrids, Alfas, and omegas. Thats pretty fricken good." Katia said.

" I guess. Oh what am I saying! It's fricken awesome." I said.

"Ya." Chase chuckled.

"One of your omegas just got in a fight with one of your alfa's." Kate said pointing at Derek and another wolf.

"Hey!" I growled. " Break it up. NOW!" They broke it up, but continued to glare at each other.

"Guys come on! Are you serious? You guys are like brothers now! Work it out." I said.

"But..." the omega started

"Seriously... um I didn't catch your name."

"Garrett." He said.

"No buts Garrett. You and Derek might have stuff in common. Just try to talk with him."

"Ug. fine. Garrett do you like to skateboard?"

"Ya I love it. Do you Rip-stick?"

"Ya totally."

"See guys." I said. "You are more alike than you think."
" Ya your right, but he did try to steal my food." Derek said.

"Well I'm homeless what do you expect?" Garrett explained.

"Oh wow. I'm sorry. Here take it. I have more." Derek said sadly. So with that settled I went over to Chris to see if we should take off.

"Hey Elena. What's up?" He said.

" Hey. Should we start going to The Everlasting Mountains? We are sort of rested, but awake."

"Ya, I guess so huh. Tell them then." He said. So then I howled to get their attention. Surprisingly it worked.

"K guys we need to get moving." I yelled.

"How do you know Marcus didn't trick you into going there so he could kill us all." One of them responded.

"Who said that. What is your name?" I questioned.

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