Chapter 1: Family Legacy and The Journey To Another Universe!

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Alright let's do this one last time, my name is Ethan Myers I am nineteen years old and I am a power ranger called the Quantum Ranger in which my father Eric Myers was originally before he retired along with my mother Taylor who was the yellow ranger of the Wild Force Rangers who live on a floating island in the shape of a turtle called Animarium home to the Wild Force Zords and Princess Shayla as for my dad was part of the Time Force Rangers who came from the future to stop evil beings called the mutants who try to destroy the world along with the Wild Force enemies called Orgs. My parents were the greatest power rangers ever and they fought for man kind everywhere along side their friends and leaders. Soon during the end of the final battles between the mutants and Orgs, my parents retired from being Power Rangers and decided to settle down and get married where I was born a year after the final battle and everything was amazing over the years. My dad taught me how to fight when I turned fifteen and my mom taught me how move and how to think like a true ranger would, dad even took me to work with him and help me become a member of the silver guardians along side his close friend Wes Collins who was like an uncle to me. Wes was the leader of the Time Force Rangers and was the Red Ranger who defended the earth along side my parents and their teams. Wes even introduced me to his friends from the future who latter became family to me along with my mothers friends from Animarium. Once I turned seventeen, my dad gave me his Quantum morpher and he taught me how to use it and its secrets which includes the blaster, armor form, voice commands, how to transform, as well as control the Q-Rex zord which the zord and I bonded really well. Soon after I became a member of the silver guardians along side my uncle Wes while my parents enjoyed retirement and they couldn't be more proud to know that I will do anything to protect those around me and those in the city. It was the beginning on a new year for me and I finally turned eighteen and was ready to start my day with the silver guardians on a mission until everything I knew changed and made my life crumble. One year later old enemies of my parents returned called the Mutant Orgs came back and did something that made my heart break into million peaces, they murdered my parents in front of my eyes even though they fought brave and heroic they were still no match for the Mutant Orgs, I did what I can to stop them but I wasn't strong enough to beat them and for that my parents were gone for good until the Power Rangers from both teams came to my aid and destroyed the Mutant Orgs for good but at cost my parents sacrifice themselves to save me and I was all alone. Me along side my uncle Wes and his friends and my mothers team came to their funeral with me so that I won't suffer the pain inside me, after the funeral the Time Force Rangers went back to their time and promised me to never give up and be brave while the Wild Force Rangers went to me and gave me a group hug to show that they will never make me feel alone. One year later I turned nineteen and Wes Collins became my legal guardian and my teacher to show how to become a true Power Ranger just like me parents and protect the world from evil; I became the new Quantum Ranger and mastered the Quantum morpher along with the Q-Rex which I had all that is left of my father Eric and the book of my mothers adventures as the Yellow Ranger. I made myself a promise that I will protect the world from evil and let nothing stand in my way of doing it and it was a promise to my parents who are looking down on me even though their not with me they will always be with me in my heart and in my mind. 

My names is Ethan Myers and I am the Quantum Ranger! 


Present: Collins Mansion

It was Monday morning and Ethan was about to get ready to go patrol with his uncle Wes until Wes needed to talk with him a moment and it was very important and top secret. 


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