Chapter 3: Meeting The Kwami's and Best Friend Part2

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Once both Marinette and Ethan made upstairs to meet with Tom and Sabine to discuss Ethans story of who he is and where he came from as well as who the Power Rangers are. Ethan took in the room that they were in and found it to be quite nice.

Ethan: Nice place you got Tom and Sabine, it is very beautiful and it smells like sweets

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Ethan: Nice place you got Tom and Sabine, it is very beautiful and it smells like sweets.

Sabine: Why thank you Ethan, now hows about you and Marinette sit down while we grab food for us to eat while we talk about yourself.

Ethan: Sounds good to me, I could something to eat right about now.

Tom: I love a boy who enjoys our company and appreciates our humble home!

With that both Tom and Sabine were in the kitchen making the food while Marinette and Ethan sit on the couch and watch television while they wait.

Ethan: Your parents are very nice people Marinette, I can see why they love you so much.

Marinette: Thanks Ethan, though sometimes they can embarrass me sometimes whenever I bring home friends or a cute boy.

Ethan: Hehehe, thats what parents do Marinette, and it is kind of funny.

Marinette: Yea I know, I still love them; by the way while we wait can you tell me about these villains called Mutants and Orgs because I never heard of beings like those before, and are they really that dangerous.

Ethan: Yea they are Marinette, and they are nothing like Hawk Moth, these guys are savages who would stop at nothing to take what they want and destroy anyone who gets in their way. I mean if you or Cat Noir came across them you wouldn't survive, their powers are strong and can tare you apart limb from limb until your nothing but dust.(Ethan saids to Marinette who looks horrified knowing not to encounter those kinds of villains)

Marinette: Gulp........yea I will make sure not to encounter guys like them but what do they look like if you don't mind me asking Ethan?

Ethan: Here I will show you, but be warned they might creep you out.

Ethan shows Marinette images of the Mutants and the Orgs that his parents and their team have faced over the years and Marinette couldn't believe her eyes at what she was seeing which brought chills down her spine knowing if these guys were around...

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Ethan shows Marinette images of the Mutants and the Orgs that his parents and their team have faced over the years and Marinette couldn't believe her eyes at what she was seeing which brought chills down her spine knowing if these guys were around Paris who knows what they would do or worse what would Hawk Moth do if these got Akumatised.

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