Love u

22 4 7

After 4 days of me and him dating..he ended up dating this girl. And he started saying he never liked me..blah blah. And everyone made fun of me! But after all those words he told everyone I still loved him so much! I never loved someone so much like I love Alfredo! His my first kiss my first love my first everything! I love everything about him! And I don't even know why I love him! I just do!!!! I LOVE HIM! And I want the whole world to find out! His the LOVE OF MY LIFE!
Even if he tells everyone he didn't like me nor he never dated me nor even wanted to date me. He just felt bad, then I don't care I love him. His the reason why I wake up every morning. His the reason why I'm like this. His the reason why I cry every night because I don't get those messages I used to get every night. His the reason why I wake up with red swollen eyes. Because I don't get those sweet morning texts from him. His the reason why I go to school with a fake smile. Because I don't talk to him. His the reason why I fake laugh historically, because i see him with someone els. His...the best thing I ever had. And I couldn't be more proud. I just want him to know that I actually do love him. Even tho we only meet a week. But my feelings for him have been higher then the Eiffel Tower. And I can't lose feelings because if i do it's probably the day I die. And I'll wait for you forever my love.

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