Season 4 Episode 3 - Against Us

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Juice threatened Kozik.
Tig and Clay plotted Opie's death.
Unser told Gemma about Mason's beating.

Jax pulls up in Teller Morrow Automotives next to the rest of the Harley Davidson's

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Jax pulls up in Teller Morrow Automotives next to the rest of the Harley Davidson's. Jax gets off the motorcycle and takes off his helmet and walks up to the office and as he walks in Gemma closes the office door and softly slaps his chest and Jax asks "What the fuck Ma?" Gemma scolds Jax "Are you stupid? Beating Mason?" Jax closes his eyes for a moment and says "Clay told you?" Gemma puts her hands on her hips and says "I'm glad someone did! What were you thinking?!" Jax says "Look the prick deserved it! After everything he done to Rox, he's lucky I didn't put a bullet in him" Gemma says "Yeah well, now he's outta hospital and because of your actions Unser was round here sniffing around questioning Clay!" Jax says "I handled it Mom, Mason knows us well enough to know his place, he knows not to rat" and Gemma says "The police aren't my only worry, he could get to Roxy and make us look like the bad guys, like you attacked him and try to turn her against us again! I will not lose my Daughter! You sort this before I do Jackson!" Jax sighs as Gemma storms out of the office.

 Jax gets off the motorcycle and takes off his helmet and walks up to the office and as he walks in Gemma closes the office door and softly slaps his chest and Jax asks "What the fuck Ma?" Gemma scolds Jax "Are you stupid? Beating Mason?" Jax clos...

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In Roxy's and Juice's house Nathan runs downstairs and runs into the kitchen to see Juice standing leaning against the counter top with a cup of coffee in his hand as Roxy is holding Emily in her arms and Nathan looks in awe as he sees Birthday banners and balloons and Nathan says "Woah" and Roxy says "Happy birthday Baby" and Nathan runs to Roxy and wraps his arms around her leg and she rubs his head and she says "Now its time for your birthday breakfast and we will take you to the clubhouse to see Grandma and Gramps and Uncle Jax and the guys alright" and Nathan nods and Juice walks over towards Roxy and wraps his arm around Roxy's shoulder and kisses his temple and he says as they both look at Nathan as he sits at the table and Juice says "Twelve already huh?" Roxy replies "Our boys growing up" and they share a kiss.

In the Clubhouse Half Sack is sticking a 'Happy 12th Birthday Nathan' banner up on the wall above the Chapel doors as Bobby and Chibs is drinking at the bar

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In the Clubhouse Half Sack is sticking a 'Happy 12th Birthday Nathan' banner up on the wall above the Chapel doors as Bobby and Chibs is drinking at the bar. When Gemma walks in and exasperated sighs at Half Sack and says "That isn't even straight Eddie!" Half Sack looks back to Gemma and asks "Is it meant to be straight?" Gemma huffs and says "Boys one of you take over!" Chibs nods and says "You got it Gem" and Chibs walk over to Half Sack and says "Move over lad". 

Later that day Roxy's suburban pulls into the lot of Teller Morrow as Juice is riding his motorcycle behind her

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Later that day Roxy's suburban pulls into the lot of Teller Morrow as Juice is riding his motorcycle behind her. Juice parks up his motorcycle as Roxy is parking her vehicle beside Gemma's car. Juice walks over to Roxy as Roxy jumps out of her car and opens the back car door and unbuckles Nathan's seat belt and lifts her Son down from the car and Nathan runs towards the clubhouse as Gemma walks out of the clubhouse and approaches Roxy as Roxy takes out the twin car seats. Gemma kisses Roxy's cheek and says "Hey Baby, everything's ready and everyone's here" and Roxy smiles and Juice says "Lemme take the kids" and Roxy nods and he takes ahold of the handle of the double car seats.

Later that night everybody is in the clubhouse drinking celebrating Nathan's birthday

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Later that night everybody is in the clubhouse drinking celebrating Nathan's birthday. Roxy is cradling Emily as everybody is having a good time. Roxy looks to Opie and Donna and walks over towards them and says "Hey guys, you alright?" Opie looks to his Sister Figure and says "Hey Rox, yeah we were just talking, Think I'm gonna head take the kids to bed" and Roxy nods and says "Yeah well thanks for coming Ope" as Tig walks outside. Donna interjects "I'm gonna go to the store and pick up a few things and help Gemma clean up" and Roxy says "You sure? You can all head home I'll help my Mom" and Donna softly smiles and says "Don't be silly, you need to relax I don't mind" and Roxy kisses Donna's cheek and says "You're a lifesaver Don" and Donna smiles.

Roxy is in the dormitory room of the clubhouse as Nathan is laying in the bed and Roxy brushes her hand through Nathan's blonde hair

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Roxy is in the dormitory room of the clubhouse as Nathan is laying in the bed and Roxy brushes her hand through Nathan's blonde hair. Roxy asks "So did you have a good birthday?" Nathan smiles and says "It was the best Mom, thank you" and Roxy says "Ypu deserve the best my darling boy, I love you so much and so does everyone in that other room, you know that don't you?" Nathan nods and Roxy kisses Nathan's head and says "Now get some sleep" and she walks away and switches the light off and walks out of the bedroom.

 Roxy asks "So did you have a good birthday?" Nathan smiles and says "It was the best Mom, thank you" and Roxy says "Ypu deserve the best my darling boy, I love you so much and so does everyone in that other room, you know that don't you?" Nathan ...

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Donna is driving alone in Opie's truck when Tig who is driving a black SUV is behind her and a red light appears in front of her and she stops as does Tig. Tig believing that it is Opie behind the wheel before him drives around Donna and pulls out his gun and fires the gun twice the bullets hitting the back of  Donna's head. Tig drives up to the truck and sees it is Donna and he mutters "Shit!" and he speeds off.

The aftermath of Donna's death rocks Samcro.
Roxy questions Donna's death.
Kozik talks with Nathan.

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