🐷28: Character Info

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And here we go again! Hanare-sama's only twin or should I say b*st*rd twin, Shinjitsu!

And here we go again! Hanare-sama's only twin or should I say b*st*rd twin, Shinjitsu!

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🐷: Shinjitsu's name means 'trustworthy' but guess who didn't live up to that meaning.

👤: Yeah, he's a damn traitor for a petty reason.

- him and Hanare has three more older siblings that all lived in the underworld.

- because of losing almost all his powers, he wasn't able to produce demons as strong as his major ranks back then, he's only able to produce the upper moons and lower moons which he still finds useful as long as they give the corps a hard time.

- he believed that the blue spider lily would, not only bring his powers back, but also give him the ability to conquer the sun. A feat that Hanare and her children managed to gain but not him even after years of living.

- whenever he tries to rest or meditate for his powers, Muzan would constantly annoy him again and again making him regret in possessing his body. He only possessed it thinking he'll be able to conquer the sun but still wasn't able to.

- he only turned Nakime into a demon and spared her since the fortress is connected to the biwa gifted to her by Kazumi. Only her biwa can move the fortress and control it, he tried taking the biwa but the instrument has known its owner which is Nakime.

- at a young age, he possess such intelligence and combat ability that made him think and wish to conquer the human realm just to have something to brag about seeing that most of the demons of the underworld are quite powerful like him.

- he's selfish and purely evil. {Yes, don't expect for something like a sad back story. But one of his major rank does.} This gave him his title in the underworld realm, "The Fallen Prodigy" for he caused chaos in both underworld and human realm just for power and glory. But despite that, he knew the demons who not to fight or he'll end up dead.

- Hanare could've killed him but she still thought of him as a brother and hoped for him to change which never happened even after her death.

- he rarely talk nor meet Tsukika and Natsuko after possessing Muzan's body as they're on the same level as him after he lost almost all his powers. He thinks that if the two work together, there's a chance they could take him down for good. This thought made him put aside Kazumi who also has the chance to gain her memories back and fight him which really did happened.

👤: As expected, he's always a coward. Being scared of the people he turned into the same creature as him.

🐷: Right, oink. He's quite dumb and over estimates his self too much that he forgot the one who almost actually killed him back then.

👤: And for those who wanna know which major rank it is, I'll be posting that later!

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