Chapter 1

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Adele parked her old model Ford pickup truck in front of her small store. She relaxed before turning off that old rusty engine. It's a twenty-six-year-old model and her father's first vehicle.

She looked at herself in the rear mirror before elevating her chest with more oxygen.

"Today will be a good day," she declared to herself.

Her eyes docked on her store display board.

FLOWER FETISH - A flower shows love

That was the store built by her parents with love and care.

Her mother died when she was five, leaving three of them alone.

After a long canyon of time, her father decided to marry again for the sake of girls.

And there, Adele's stepmother entered her life.

She thought to get love from her new mom, but all she got was ignorance from her.

She gave birth to a son, which made her dad happier than ever.

Her stepmother never loved these girls as her own. Her focus was to entice her husband and love her only son.

Later as the teenage hit the life of these girls, Adele's sister rebelled against her father. She wanted something more than being a country girl.

She decided to abscond her home at the age of nineteen to pursue her dreams.

After that, there was no news of her.

Their business suffered as her father's frequent visits to the hospital were not able to pay off the hospital bills.

Five years back, they got a piece of news where they found her sister dead in some accident.

Nobody knows what happened to her neither did they discover her body.

Business loss and the death of her loving daughter, her father couldn't sustain this trauma. He killed himself.

Adele blinked her lashes with tears in them.

She loves to come to this place, but after her father's suicide, this place was merely a source of income for her remaining family.

She picked up her file and buckled her tiny waist with her fanny pack.

She pulled her long chocolate-brown hair into a messy bun and fixed her Dark green checked shirt, jumped out of her vehicle.

"Hey, Blaise," she called her partner, who was opening the glass door.

"Good morning, Adele,"

They entered the store, which was filled with the fragrance of different flowers. Blaise got busy arranging the flowers in front of the store in the metallic racks.

Adele's father owned a flower farm, but after his death, it was difficult for Adele to handle the farm and store together.

Adele moved towards her desk, trying to check her online orders for flowers.

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