Chapter 8

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Wasting no time, I ran down with my limping leg.

I thought of asking Mr. Vincent and looked for help, but nobody was there for me.

I took the car keys and drove towards my shop, thinking what he does now?

Did he murder someone? Stole something?

I didn't know when I would reach the shop.

"Blaise, what happened?" She was crying in Elijah's arms.

"Adele, your brother came here. He wanted money..." Blaise informed. I cupped my mouth, looking down at her bleeding lip.

"Did he hit you?"

She nodded in silence. What worse could I think of from him? The only solution I could think of was,

Mr. Vincent promised me the money, and I saw him giving the money to those goons this morning.

"Adele, are you ok?" Elijah came to me.

I was not well, not now at least.

"I am, thank you,"

We hugged each other. I felt relief in protective arms. Just when I extended my arms to show my concern towards Blaise.

Suddenly, the door busted open. Mr. Vincent entered the room.

"Mr. Vincent," I wanted to ask him about the money he promised, but he didn't stop. His man literally pulled me into their arms and dragged me out of the shop.

"Leave me," I screamed.

"You were told...," he replied, looking at me with red eyes.

Elijah tried to fight with him, but he took off his gun and rested it on his forehead.

"I am here to take what belongs to my Senor. You better stay away from me, boy. Otherwise, I will have to kill you and your sister."

Mr. Vincent shrieked in his confident voice.

Elijah backed off, looking at my fearful face.

They brought me back to the mansion.

"I asked you to help my brother," I screamed, coming out of the car.

"And I did," Mr. Vincent barked at me.

"Now, go to your room. You broke his rule, and I don't want you to face his punishment." He whispered near my ears.

I jerked back, numbed in my senses, and unknowingly broke one of his rules. I didn't think about leaving this place.

It was mentioned in the contract I had to take Mr. Vincent or any bodyguard with me. But I ran alone.

I went to my room and settled quietly, waiting for him to come, but it occupied my mind with Blaise and Elijah and where I could find my worthless brother.

It's midnight, and I intentionally kept the lights on.

I changed my clothes to my silk nighty as I was sleepy.

"I think he will not come. Or maybe he is not in the mansion. Mr. Vincent was scaring me." I talked to myself.

I got up to grab my phone, then suddenly the lights went off. My heart stopped for a moment. It felt like the devil has entered the room. I took deep breaths, as I knew he was watching me somewhere.

My hands were shaking when I felt his warm breath on my neck.

I gulped the lump in my throat when his finger pad trailed from my bare hand.

"Where have you been? MY FLOWER," he husked in my ears.

I closed my eyes as I was scared as hell.

"I.. I..." I could feel the knots churning inside my belly, the cold blood running down my veins.

"I went to see Blaise. My brother tried to rob my shop for money." it would be better to confess the truth.

He pushed his broad chest at my back, making my body sandwich between the wall and him.

"Didn't you know I will take care of everything?" He smoked in my ears, pressing me harder.

"You broke the rule,"

He was grinding my earlobe between his teeth, giving me enough pain to realize I had made a mistake, while his hardness pushed me differently.

His hand cupped my curves, telling me a different story. But what's important here was I broke the rule.

"I am sorry. I will not do it again; I was worried about Blaise," I gasped.

"When your husband is the devil, do you need to worry about the demons?"

He needed my submission, not with my words, but with my actions. His finger pads reached the lower layer of my navel, making a circle.

"Are you going to break my rules again?" his words were different while his finger crossed my liners and reached to my vertical lips, pinching my flower bud.

I bit my lips harder. What should I say? While my body was acting under his influence, he was asking me for an impossible thing.

His middle finger rubbed against the soft skin, making me jump while his thumb kept a hold of my clitoris. My toes curled inside, my hand turned into a fist.

"Answer me, Adele,"

My focus was more on his finger, making the figure eight inside me, teasing me in every way.

"No," I speculated, throwing my head back on his chest, spreading my legs, giving him more access to complete his action.

"Good, my flower," just when I was about to reach my apex, he pulled his hand out.

Frustrated would be the last word for me to describe my feelings. He was playing every part of me: my life, my soul, my body, my emotion.

I turned toward him to retaliate, but before I speak a word, his question startled me

"Now tell me, what about you and Angelo?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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