Chapter 3

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"How the hell do you think I am going to expect this proposal from you people?" Adele thundered on the men sitting in front of her.

"There is no need to shout, Miss Adele. We are giving you an option. In this way, your farm and shop would be free from debt, and we will never bother you," The manager of the bank drawled.

Adele took a sharp breath. The options given by the manager were not official but it could help her to save the only thing that belongs to her father.

After a long silence, she looked at them.

"Fine, I want to meet that person." She sighed as she rubbed her red eyes.

They left the room in silence.

For the last eight sleepless nights, she was unable to figure out how to pay the debt.

The money she got, stolen by her step-brother.

But here, sitting in this air-conditioned office, the bank manager came up with an alternative.

He informed her to meet with a businessman who's ready to help her, but she has to accept his few conditions.

Adele didn't understand this shallow situation.

But at last, she had to give it a chance.

She picked a piece of lint from her sleeve, thinking of what's going to show up through that entrance.

The door made a creek sound; her eyes landed on the entrance when she saw Mr. Vincent enters the room.

She furrowed her brows as she tried to recognize this face.

"Mr. Vincent," she whispered.

The bank manager smiled towards them.

"You guys can talk. I hope you agree with Mr. Vincent's conditions, Miss Adele," He smirked, looking towards her.

Mr. Vincent settled himself across this long table.

"There is a red file." he asserted

"I know you need money. And I could help you," Mr. Vincent came straight to the point.

She listened to him keenly.

"The only thing you need to do is to sign those papers," he pointed towards the red file.

"What's that?" She opened the file.

"It's a marriage contract. I am going to save your farm and shop, all you need to marry my boss in return,"

He boasted.

Adele furrowed her brows, looking at him.


"Yes, you have to marry him. And all the details are given in the file. I want you to read it and we will settle our deal," he plucked at the cuff of his shirt.


She gulped the lump in her dry throat.

She opened the file and started reading it.

Some claws are not acceptable on the human ground.

"I am not allowed to keep any relationship from my past life?"

Does that mean she was not allowed to meet her friends and family?

"What do you mean I have to present myself in front of him every night? It's insane," She argued.

"And what is this; he could have my body anytime he wants, and I am not allowed to oppose? Is this humanity or what? Am I selling my body to a brothel?" She added.

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