Friends with benefits?

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Tul once again was out drinking with some girl he was planning to hook up with by the end of the night.
The female put her hand on his thigh slowly working up to the crotch area," should we go somewhere" she asked grabing the collar of his shirt. They made there way to the bar bathroom, Tul kissed her moving down her neck until she stopped him with anger, " you wanna hook up with me in a bathroom," she asked pushing him away. "No of course not just getting warmed up ," he said trying to kiss her again. " Hell no I'm no one's one night stand." She said walking out of the bathroom,leaving him there alone.
Tul cursed himself and made his way to the bar area to get more than tipsy. The bartender started getting worried "hey take it easy."he said pouring another shot of tequila. Tul felt a tap on his shoulder he looked up to see a good friend of his,"oii P'Mew who you here with," Tul asked barely keeping his eyes open." Nong I'm here with Pavel,Gun and baby Gulf," Mew says as as he starts to zone out thinking about his boyfriend." Ahh okay how is you wifey?" Tull asked teasing Mew who just laughed at his drunk friend." There calling me I need to go, take care and slow down a bit."he says as he walked away.
"Hey baby," Gulf says as he kisses Mew's cheek abd settles on top of his lap." Get a room," Max says appearing out of no where. "Shit," everyone said in sync. "Max you Tul is at the bar getting hella drunk," Mew says with a smirk arising on his face." Oii he's not my Tul he's my bestfriend," he said while everyone looked at him unamused."whatever float your boat," Gun said." Whatever wiggles your pickle," said Pavel." Obviously Tul does," Gulf said brushing into laughter while everyone follows along." Whatever where is he again," he asked getting ancy." Bar," Gulf said pointing to where Tul was taking another shot." Kay thanks," he said walking over to see Tul. Once he arrived he tapped Tul's shoulder; a flustered pink face turned to him.
"Tul what are you doing here getting this drunk?"questioned Max worried." Oii that doesn't matter, are you my dad no so mind your business," he said turning to take another shot." What the hell is wrong with you stop acting like this a come with me,"Max said practically dragging him out the club.
They reached the car Max put Tul in the passenger side and started driving to his house. Tul himself was already sleeping so Max just picked him up and carried him to bed. He left the room to grab a bowl of warm water and a rag, he started to unbutton Tul's shirt and wipe his friend down. Max layer next to Tul after showering, Tul snuggle closer to Max. His head was in Max's neck. He looked down to be met with the sleeping face of Tul; Max stared at his face mesmerized by his features when Tul opened his eyes, his face was so close to Max the he could smell the alcohol in his breath.
They didn't say anything just stared deep into eachothers gazes. When suddenly Tul planted a soft tender peck on his lips and inched away then made deep eye contact that was filled with lustful tension." I'm s-sorry I shouldn-" before Tul could finish he was pulled into a Max's lips again he pulled Tul's waist closer making the kiss deeper. They moved in sync full of love, Max bit his lip asking for an entrance which was denied. Tul snaked his arms around Max's neck and entangles in his hair, gently pulling earning a groan from the man. Max tightened his grip on his waist making a light moan submerge from him he bit Max's lip lightly out of embarrassment. Max took this momment to whisper into his ear," so you like it rough babyboy." His breath sen shivers down Tuls back as he bit his lip. They were once again facing eachother; hands still in place, when Tul pulled Max in by his collar and planted a kiss on his lips once again making it deepen. Max tighten his grip again making Tul moan . Max shoved his tongue in his mouth their tongues danced around as they fought for dominance. Max flipped to where his is hovering on top of Tul which he ultimately melts into the kiss. Max move down Tul's jawline reaching his neck leaving puple hickeys. Tul tries to wrap his arms around neck just to have them roughly pinned above his head making him whimper. Max kisses him right where his shoulder blade meets his neck making him scurm a little and bite his lip. Max smirked and started sucking and biting Tul's sweet spot but he still continued compressing his moans, Max grinded against him making him gasp," dont ever hold in you beautiful sounds,"he said putting his knee in between Tul's legs and applying pressure to his hardend member causing him to bite his lip holding in another moan," your stubborn aren't you," he asked licking Tul's ear making him moan max just smirked. Max continued to kiss down his neck unbottoning Tul's shirt and breaking the kiss." I need you to tell me you want this, don't do it if you'll regret it." "I want this and I want you." Tul couldn't handle the gaze and started to blush. Cute as hell thought Max," Tul as much as I want to do this you should be sober so I can listen to you beautiful moans with guilt....goodnight Tul," Max said pecking his lips and leaving the room.
Tul woke up feeling like a monster truck rolled over him and backed up again. He surprisingly made his way to the bathroom without falling, after a long shower which made feel better.
TIMESKIP back to the room
"Max!" Tul said kinda shocked to his bestfriend there," hey Tul do you remember anything?" Max asked handing him some soup." Uhm no but I doubt it was important," he's said scouping up some rice to the soup." Yeah...anyway I have something important to tell you." Max said lowering his head." Hey tell me there's nothing you can do to lose me as a friend." Tul said putting his hand on Max's shoulder." Tul, I'm gay." Max said with tears in his eyes." Max I love you no matter what, you are my bestfriend and im not mad at you I support you; I had a feeling anyways." Tul said as Max looked up at him with a surprised look." Y-you knew?"" Well not every straight man stares at men's asses in broad daylight," he said smiling. They hugged and went along with there day like any other.
"Hey Mew, hey baby Gulf!" Tul said teasingly." Hey Rulbwere you okay last night?"asked Gulf ready to gossip." Well sleepover at my place tonight, invite everyone, Gun Tay,New ,you,Mew,Off,and Max." Tul said smiling happily." Even Max I see." Mew said smirking." Oii shut up he's my bestfriend I could never see him like that," he said sincerely." Your gonna eat your words." Gulf said chuckling." Hey guy!!!"said Max walking up to join," hey Maxie," said Tul in a teasing voice." Hey cutie." Max said with even more tease," Oii im not cut im handsome."" Meh your more on the cute side,"he said smirking." Shut up you bitc-"mhm mhm,"said Mew clearing his throat, " cutie,Maxie we feel like dust here." Mew said smiling at the two interactions. Tul did something that not one ever seen him so, he blushed from his ears to his cheeks *ring ring ring*." Hello mae," he said walking away." So whats going on with yall, you guys seem extra flirty." Gulf said with the biggest smile," nothing we are always like that." Max said not making eye contact." Your lying what happend!?!" Mew asked insisting he got answers." Okay Tul kissed me when we were drunk and it might be went farther if I didn't stop it-" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN MAX," Tul asked walking up,"Shit," said Gulf." Calm down Tul you kissed me but I stopped it."" That's complete bullshit," yelled Tul." Dont be like that." Max said as Tul walked off. Evrlerything was silent for a while when Max spoke,"see you guys tonight." Tul said and walked off sadly.
Tul didn't know exactly where he was going so he walked around kicking pebbles wondering why he even got so mad, it was just a drunk kiss.
"Tul," he looked up at the familiar voice, " Max im sorry I got mad over a stupid drunk kiss forgive me please." Tul said in defeat." Tul you can't lose me as a friend you dumbass,çhe said smirking," come on our friend are already at you house."
They arrived at the house and walked in," wow you're late to your own sleepover," said Tay," oii and you here with Maxie," said Gulf as he laughed." Shut the fuck up before I tell Mew to make sure you can walk for days." Max said ruffling Tul's hair," time for the game that ruins friendships truth...or...dare," said New dramatically." Who wants to start," said Gun ansy," I Will!!!" Tul said spinning the bottle lt the gam begin.

Hi I'm the author ☺ im a young writer and I hop you enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you click the vote button l. So enjoy som Maxtul photos keep scrolling❤❤❤ please tell me if I should continue

 So enjoy som Maxtul photos keep scrolling❤❤❤ please tell me if I should continue

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I hope you enjoyed i will post when I can which be frequently❤❤❤

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I hope you enjoyed i will post when I can which be frequently❤❤❤

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