Farewell To Storyille

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  "So one last time,               , I need to be ,the, one who takes you home

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"So one last time,
, I need to be ,the, one who takes you home."


Aria paced back and forth as she now knew that the original siblings where locked in the Cemetery and in there was an angry and betrayed Klaus who held a white oak stake and Aria was determined and very worried. For one of course she was kinda jealous of her and Marcel' relationships and yes , she knew they ended but They however were still involved with each other so much and Aria wasn't quite used to that, but she knew she was going to have to get used to it.

Another thing was Aria was worried for Rebekah over the past months that her and Rebekah spent bonding and developing feelings she now knows that she has a Strong Feeing toward Rebekah and she wouldn't know if she would call it love but it was definitely there she just hoped Rebekah felt the same. Aria would be so hurt if she found out that Rebekah died.

Especially due to the fact that Klaus was the one who did it seeing as her and Nik created some sort of friendship she wouldn't know how to even look at him after the fact.

And thanks to Genevieve Aria knew exactly were the original siblings where. But Aria knew her sister wouldn't be so Keen to the idea of her going into a fight that wasn't really hers in the first place but what kind of person would she be if she didn't at least try to help the girl she Likes?

Of course Aria understood why Nik was angry hell, if Hayley did that to her she probably wouldn't talk to her for a long time, but she wouldn't let Nik make a decision that would not only hurt a lot of people including herself but also him. Yeah it would feel good to have her fear the way he did but at then end of the day Nik would be even more effected by the hands of himself.

And truth be told Aria didn't want harm to come to any of the original siblings.

So without letting herself rethink Aria rushed out of the compound and to the place she only knew was right to go.


"Are you Really going to stand Against me?" Klaus questioned Elijah as they stood across from each other in the Cemetery.

Klaus then pointed to the blade. "And not with that pathetic blade.You'd  just have to pull it out someday." He shrugged. "And then I'd hate you as I do her now. If you want to protect Rebekah, you'll need to use the White Oak stake."

"I don't have to listen to this Nonsense." Elijah spoke as he moved closer to Klaus.

"Oh don't pretend, you haven't thought about it." Klaus replied as he tilted his head to the side.

"Nik. Nobody wants to kill you." At the voice both original siblings turned toward the Marshall sister who entered the Cemetery carefully moving to Elijah' side. Elijah turned to her in worry and Klaus looked to her in amusement.

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