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*Ring ring ring*


Julie: "Girl! Are you coming? Everyone's waiting."

"Fine, I don't think my night will ever be pleasant because of your constant phone calls."

Julie: "That's more like it. I'll be waiting, you better be here soon~"

This is killing me.

Spending my Saturday night out instead of in my comfy bed. Dressing up instead of dressing down.

I guess this is what I get for making friends. Especially social ones.


Picking out an outfit is hard. Not trying to impress anyone, but being presentable is always a bonus.

"Martha! Can you get my ride ready?"

Sound of the door opening. I don't mind turning to look, since I know who's entering.

Martha: "Where do you think you're going?"

"Out. Is there a problem?"

I turned around to see a frown look planted on her face.

She's an old maid who constantly bullied me in the past. I haven't had the time to be direct and make things clear. She needs to know her place. I can fire her if I wanted to, but in the past, I didn't have the nerves to.

Martha: "You cannot come and leave anytime you want. I will directly report this to your parents and they will punish you for it."

"Why do you think they would? They never said anything about being against hanging out with friends."

Martha: "How dare you talk back."

She raised her hand. I already saw it coming and caught it.

"And how dare you raise your hand at your employer's daughter."

She looks surprised to see my change of confidence to defend myself.

Martha: "W-why"

"If you understand then run along and get the task done. Don't you dare raise your hand at me ever again. I'll make you regret it. Better respect it, or else."

I gave her a threatening glare.

Hope it scared her enough to keep her low file. Don't want her acting like she owns the place anymore.

Martha: "Y-yes miss."

She ran out the double doors, closing them quickly.

Hah, that's more like it.


Looking out of the car black tinted window.

The night is quiet, with street lights on sidewalks, light glaring as we pass.


Here we go. Let's get this 'gathering' over with.


Julie: "Please can we get more drinks over here?" Waving her hand to signal for staff.

The 'gathering' is located on a yacht. It was docked at one of the most expensive seaside locations.

The loud music can be heard from miles away. How can anyone even communicate at this level of volume?

Scheming my eyes through the crowd of people, I see a group of teens drowning down shots. Is this even legal? Where are the cops?

The city chief's son must be here for them to not show up. He wouldn't want his reputation to be ruined. The humiliation would be too much, being known for having an underage drunken son.

I took long strides, walking as poise as I can keeping my reputation in mind.

I want all this to be over. Hoping to wake up from my deep slumber and all this would be a dream. For my family of four to never separate, for my brother to never turn heartless, for us to never died, for me to never have lived my life so carelessly, and to never have reincarnated into this novel!

Remembering to hold my head high, I look up to see Razia making eye contact with me. As if trying to figure out who I am from the far distance, her face immediately lit up when she recognized me.

Razia: "Oh look, it's Aliette!"

Julie: "Hey girl, finally. My phone was starting to burn up from all the use."

"Yeah, here I am." Shrugging my shoulders as I spoke sarcastically.

Sofia: "Come sit down, we all have been waiting." She patted the open spot beside her.

They were sitting in a circle booth located on the patio area of the boat.

"Wait, whose boat are we on?"

Julie: "Umm, his?" She pointed her finger cluelessly as I followed its direction to Aiden.

Of course Aiden Ryles, one of the big two.

Wasn't surprising to hear this boat belonged to his family.


Two hours later and I am still here. Leaning against the railing as the ocean wind blows through my hair. How amazing this is, the beautiful night sky is clear and bright as the moonlight shines down on the water's surface.

?: "Are you enjoying yourself tonight?"

I turn around to find the person presented with that voice.

"Who are you?" I asked, not knowing who this mysterious person is.

?: "I'm Sofia's twin brother."

"Wagler Vo isn't it?"

Wagler: "You know about me."

"Who hasn't heard about the young master behind the Vo's family empire."

Wagler: "Not asking for an autograph?"

"What kind of person do you think I am? I'm not that shallow as to throw myself all over you like one of those sluts." I pointed at a blond girl in the distance pretending to fall, throwing herself onto Beckum.

He looks back and giggles.

Wagler: "Fair enough I guess. So who are you?"

"That's none of your business of course!"

Wagler: "Well it is my business since I already allow you know who I am."

"Fine! My name's Aliette...Aliette Jaggers."

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