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Jimin smiled as the crowd kept cheering him on. He slowly approached the end of the stage were the hungry men stood wanting a little touch.

He didn't hate it so much per say, but it had taken him a while to get used to it. The only thing that made it all better was the fact that they were putting bills in his boxers. After all, the tips while dancing was how he made the most money.

The last song finished playing and he waved goodbye to the enthusiastic up crowd. He grinned satisfied at his performance. At times, he'd pretend he was dancing on a stage for a crowd that wasn't thirsting over his body or attributes.

He liked to imagine himself on a huge famous stage performing a lyrical dance. Instead, he danced on a pole to middle aged enclosed gays wanting some sort of action with him. Either way, being at work kept his mind occupied and it was the one thing he looked forward to. 

He messily put all his tips on a small bag and headed down the stage without realizing the luring figure in the corner. Once he was in the locker room he relaxed sitting on a chair.

His heart was still racing from the adrenaline of the night. Both of his eyes were fighting to stay open. The clock read one-thirty two. Closing time was three thirty in the morning. Luckily, tonight he didn't have to work until closing.

A sudden noise made him open his eyes. Jungkook was standing beside him looking at himself in the mirror. He was just getting ready to go out and dance. He happened to have the later shift tonight.

"Seems like our schedules haven't collide lately." He said as he adjusted his briefs.

There it was again. The guilt creeping in his system as he looked at him. Jungkook was so young and naive. Way too nice to be in this fucked up world. And though, Jimin was only two years older he felt at least fifty years older.

Jimin nodded, "Agreed. I haven't seen you in days."

"So, how was it?" He asked turning his attention to him. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about asking Jimin about his date. Hearing about it excited him.

"How was what?" He replied slightly confused.

"How was the date?" His voice betrayed him because it clearly showed his enthusiasm.

This threw Jimin off guard. Jeongyeon told him to not say a word of it. Had she told him? And why was Jungkook so okay with it if he had feelings for Taehyung?

"I mean...it was okay." He said trying to test the waters. Maybe he was getting ready to explode at his face. Which he deserved it, but like mentioned before he couldn't exactly say no to that date. Saying no to a man as powerful as Taehyung was signing a death wish.

"Really? Just okay? It seems so romantic to me. I didn't think Jackson was that type of guy. Maybe he's falling in love with you. Who knows maybe you two will end up together."

Jackson? That explained why he was so calmed. Jeongyeon had told him he went on a date with him. He internally thanked her for not spilling the secret. The guilt only intensified as he watched him being so happy.

"Not at all. He just wanted to go out and eat and I simply agreed. Nothing more than that. There was absolutely nothing special about that."

Jungkook hummed looking at his reflection once again. Maybe it was the fact that he was a helpless romantic that made him see everything in pink. He wanted a love like the ones in books and movies.

"I've never been to a date. Well, when I was seventeen, but I wouldn't consider it that. He told me we were going to eat for my birthday and instead took me to an old alley to try have sex with me. I was so young and scared that I wouldn't find another man. I was still not out and didn't know any gay men."

Jimin nodded a bit sadden at his story. Yes, he himself was very sad about the breakup with Yuta. At least he had a beautiful loving relationship and had his first time with him. Jungkook seemed like he had never had that.

"Either way, it's okay. I feel a little better now. Plus, I think I found love." He added realizing how his story had caused a blue aura.

"Do you really think it's love?" Jimin questioned a bit nauseated. The fact that Jungkook was spilling his heart out to him about Taehyung was making him sick.

Did it make him a horrible person to want the money Taehyung offered? The power? The rich lifestyle? Was he truly that heartless?

"From my part it is. I think for him is more pleasure. Things start from somewhere, right?" He asked a bit hopeful.

Jimin only nodded. It was obvious Taehyung didn't feel the same about him. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked fo meet him privately, right?

"I better get going. Oh! Can't forget this." He said with a grin while holding a little bag.

"Good luck. See you later."

A few seconds later, the door opened and Jimin turned around with a chuckle. "Did you forget something—? Ah, I thought you were Jungkook." He said realizing it was Jeongyeon.

"No. I, uh, I have someone waiting for you. It's a visitor you can't really decline."

Jimin raised both eyebrows surprised. Was it Taehyung looking for him? It obviously had to be. Otherwise she wouldn't have added the 'you can't really decline' part.

"Very well. In my room?" He asked.


Jimin got up from the chair and threw on a t-shirt with some jeans. He would probably have to get undressed, but showing up semi naked didn't feel so right. Plus, what if he was just here to only talk. It'd make a bad impression.

After putting on his clothes, he walked down the hallway to room number 4 which was the one that was assigned to him. He took a deep breath and smelled himself.

He was sweaty from dancing and did have some body odor. He hated the fact that he had shown up so late after his show. If he did want to have sex he'd have to do it regardless.

He knocked on the door and waited for one of his security guards to come out and inspect him. A few seconds later, he knocked again. Maybe they hadn't heard?

He impatiently waited for a good two minutes. Finally, he decided to walk in. If it was a trap then he had fallen for it. Patience was not one of his attributes.

As soon as he walked in, he spotted a man standing by the bed. His back was faced towards him. His outfit was all black and his skin was pale as a ghost.

This was the man that he had seen speak to Jeongyeon. The one that had pointed the gun at him while he danced with Taehyung. And the one who had also interrupted their dinner. A smile slowly spread on Jimin's face.

Looks he he would finally meet the mysterious man.

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