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"How are you doing today Mr. Kim?" Jin asked as he scanned the paper work in front of him. He was doing invested fo notice how nervous Namjoon was.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and pulled the gown closer to cover his body. "I'm doing good." He responded quietly.

Jin smiled setting down the clipboard. "Perfect. Let's get started with your physical. Can you pull your gown down?"

Namjoon avoided eye contact and slowly opened the gown dropping it around his waist. He felt the need to put his hands over his stomach.

The scar tissue from the insulin were barely fading. It had been a while since he had to give himself shots. His skin was just so sensitive it was taking forever to disappear.

The glucose monitor on the left side of his stomach and insulin pump on the right did not look pleasing. Not to mention that his body wasn't necessarily the perfect type.

He hadn't been intimate with anyone in a long time so having someone look at his flaws was scary. He kept avoiding eye contact as Jin pressed his stethoscope on his heart.

"Nervous? Your heart is beating very fast."

"Not at all." He responded quietly. His tone gave it away.

"It's fine to be nervous. Some people have white coat syndrome. It must be my lab coat." He laughed.

Namjoon timidly smiled. Jin was always so welcoming and nice. The worst part about all of this was that coming for a doctors visit was the most normal thing he did.

His life was a constant roller coaster ride. The adrenaline was always there and his mind could never rest. That's why he couldn't understand how Taehyung had time to sleep around and have fun.

Why was he so nailed to this job that he was basically enslaved in for the rest of his life? Why couldn't he for once let go?

"Hey, it's okay. It's only a physical. I won't bite I promise. Can you take a deep breath for me?"

Namjoon finally looked up at him. There it was. When looking into his eyes his mind came at peace. The racing, the doubts, and the worry went away.

It seemed like Jin was the only one who had that power over him.


Jimin ran his fingers through the piano cover as Yoongi watched from the corner. He took a seat on the stool and exposed the pretty instrument.

He sighed rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. The previous night had been a rough one. No nightmares only insomnia.

Jimin didn't know which was worse. To sleep and have nightmares or to not sleep and let your mind race. Either way they both sucked.

He pressed the piano keys and attempted to make a melody out of it. The sounds weren't so pleasing to the ears.

"Do you know how to play the piano dog?" He asked out loud as he poorly continued to play.

Yoongi didn't respond. He was obviously in a bad mood and Jimin could tell. Although he was very serious, today he was even more quieter than usual.

Jimin continued to press random piano keys as he spoke, "I'm reading the book you showed me by the way. Why didn't you tell me that it is actually ingesting? The guy read so much that he actually lost his mind and decides to become a knight. I don't really read and if I do there has to be a lot of pictures. This book however has taken me by the dick and won't let me—"

"Stop it. It sounds horrific." Yoongi interrupted holding his hand and pulling it away from the piano.

Jimin looked up at him and then at his hand around his own. He didn't let go for a few more seconds until the eye contact intensified.

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