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"Jimin," Yoongi whispered, shaking him.

"Jimin," he repeated a bit louder.

Instead of waking up, he only grunted and turned the opposite way. Yoongi sighed and shook him harder than usual.

Jimin abruptly woke up and let out a scream. Yoongi was quick enough to cover his mouth to prevent further noises from coming out.

"It's me. It's Yoongi." He whispered slowly, releasing his hand. He reached over to turn on the lamp to illuminate the room.

Jimin was sitting up with his face a  pale color. His heart was racing at full speed and his underarms were sweating.

"Why're you here at this time?" He asked, startled. The clock read two-thirty seven am. After he left he didn't come back and Chan remained as his guard.

"I told you I'd come talk to you. We don't have much time. Taehyung should be arriving soon and he'll probably come see you."

Jimin looked over at his chest and noticed the cross necklace. His heart sunk to the bottom of his stomach. So that's the business he had to take care of.

"You were doing something dangerous." He whispered horrified.

"I didn't want to worry you." Yoongi admitted quietly.

Jimin felt like he could vomit. In a way, he was thankful that Yoongi hadn't said a word or he would've lost his mind. The other part of him was a bit upset at this secret.

"I'm fine. I swear." He said, raising up his hands in the air.

Jimin nodded, feeling his stomach suddenly settle back down. Then it hit him, Yoongi was here in his room inches away. They were alone because there was no way he would've come in if someone was outside.

"I need to...use the bathroom." He blurted.

Yoongi nodded and remained kneeled beside his bed while he got out the other side. After he closed the bathroom door he paced around while breathing heavily.

He emptied his bladder, washed his hands and splashed his face with cold water. His face was flushed red and his hair was all over the place.

It felt ridiculous to even feel this nervous. Before he walked out he picked up his toothbrush to clean his mouth and get rid of the morning breath.

When he walked back into the room Yoongi only blinked. It looked like he hadn't moved at all. He looked like a porcelain doll perfectly still.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" He asked, sitting back in bed. Though he was sweating he covered up his legs again.

"We never really finished talking."

"Are you done treating me like a child?" He asked.

"What? What do you—?"

"You always try to protect me like I'm a child. I'm a grown man. I know the consequences to our actions. I knew it from the beginning. I'm just...I'm angry at you. For giving up so easily on us. If you feared your life you should've just told me from the beginning. It would've been much easier for me. Then I wouldn't have made up so many ideas of you not...of us..."

"Do you really think I fear for my life?"

"That's the only explainable reason."

Yoongi smirked while he quietly chuckled. For a moment Jimin forgot to breathe. His hormone levels were all over the place. And he had to grab the blankets and bawled them to control his impulsivity.

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