Mr. Sexy

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It took a minute to process what he said. I guess he figured that.

" have to share the house with me and my friends. You can have the first floor to yourself and we wont bother you. We party sometimes but we do that in the building out back. I wont touch your food but you will have to watch JD and Caden. They are like bottomless pits. Actually they should be home anytime.."

He reached up and started rubbing his head. Before things got any more awkward I spoke up.

" Ok so if im sharing a house with  3 guys..why the hell didnt she say anything? Actually she said it was empty.."

" Uh yeah my grandmas got Alzheimer's.  She does that sometimes. She told me you was coming so I moved the rest of us upstairs. And there is actually 6 of us. Sorry. Its me, Caden, JD, Tommy, Jess, and Holden. "

Oh lordy. " Thats an awful lot of hot guys I have to deal with.." I slapped my hand over my mouth. I could not believe I just said that outloud.

He just laugh. " Yeah sorry. It must be awful for you. By the way Im Kaleb."

He stuck his hand out to me and I took it. I had been so amazed by his looks I hadnt worried about his name. Must be from that ridiculous drive.

He looked down to my feet where Tate had so nicely parked his hairy ass on my foot. He smiled and reached down to rub on him.

"He sure is a pretty dog. I dont really have time for a pet but it will be nice to have him around."

His southern draw just added to his appeal. I found myself getting excited to meet these other boys. And about the same time a car pulled up I got this twisty feeling in my gut. Felt like it damn reached up to my chest. It didnt hurt it was just...odd. Probably gas seein as how I stopped at taco bell on my way here.

" Thats a damn nice truck yall! I guess our new roomie has a feller! That sucks..woulda been nice to have some one to flirt with."

"Shit! Apparently she has a dog too cuz I just found his present." That voice was a little deeper. Sounded older. I peeked over the balcony to try to catch a glimpse of them but could only see  shadows dancing on the porch. Even from the shadows I could tell they were just as built as Kaleb. Then I heard the angels sings and it made my heart dance. " Guys be nice to her. I have a feeling she is a good person. Goin to school to be a vet I reckon. She is really smart according to dad. He couldn't believe she accepted. Said she had to of had offers from the ivy leagues. Maybe she can help us too."
Him. I need him.

What the hell? I pushed the thought away and walked back downstairs to meet my oh so pretty roomies.

I about passed out. In my living room stood an angel. I felt the sudden urge to kneel to this beautiful creature. He made Kaleb look average and that was saying something.

He smiled and took my hand. He then kissed my hand oh so lightly.  But it still made my heart beat so hard that I just knew he could hear it.

" Its nice to meet you Kiera. Im Caden. And who is this?"

Im sure he was referring to my furry child but I couldn't look away from him. His blue eyes were just stunning.  And he had this essence about him..he demanded respect but he had a look in his eyes...I dont know how to explain but I just knew he was kind and gentle...and would be an excellent kisser. There it is again.. the voice in my head that says dirty things. Apparently I had lowered my gaze to his mouth. That was now in a smirk seeing as he he realized I was staring at him.

Kaleb laughed.  " Apparently they dont have attractive guys where shes from. She looked at me the same way."

And then I swear Caden growled. No kidding the boy actually growled. I looked into his eyes and saw they was getting darker..dont ask me how because at the time I had no idea. And as soon as it started it was over.

Caden shook his head. " Im sorry ma'am forgive my manners. Would you like something to eat? Im sure your exhausted.  The guys were Just fixing to go out. I bet that theyd  love to bring you something back."

I look to Kaleb and see him looking at his feet. Like an ancient sign of respect.  I guess we know who the boss Is around here.

" Well actually all im wanting is ice cream. I didnt see any stores on my way in though. How far out do you have to go?"

Caden looked at his apparent posse.  With a flick of his wrist they all file out the door and pile up in the car. And all of a sudden I find myself alone with mr. Sexy.. or Caden. Whichever you prefer. 

" Umm well...thanks. I think. Do you guys go to the university? "

He smiled." Your welcome. And yeah. Im going for lea-umm management.  Kaleb is going to be a doctor and so is JD. The other 3 are undecided at the moment. Your going to be a vet right? "

I nodded. Thats really all I could do. This boy was a spitting image of my dream man. I wonder if he likes Channing Tatum...

" I can tell you already noticed my striking resemblance to a famous stripper."

I giggle. Id like to see you strip

Now that dirty thought I actually agreed with. I send my momma a little message in my head. I think I found him momma. I think I found my-

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