Ch. 5

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Percy's pov

"Please, just let me explain." I said shakily.

I was semi-recovered from my recent mental break down and was currently in the garbage filled living room of my old apartment where smelly gabe was threatening me with a dirty kitchen knife and a phone that could easily call the police.

He had dragged me in there to, as he put it, 'interrogate' me, though from my past experiences with gabe, I assumed that there would be much more punching involved than you would expect in a stereotypical interrogation.

"Why should I listen to you boy?" Gabe questioned. "You did break into my home after all." He said, a sneer on his face.

Mom was standing off to the side, a safe distance away from me and gabe looking like she was ready to murder someone. I didn't blame her. I would probably be looking like that too if I was in her place.

My mom truly observes difficult situations acts on them when she has a good amount of information about it and always in the most peaceful, logical way possible. That's why I was so shocked when she said in a firm yet scarily calm voice, "Oh, shut up Gabe."

My eyes widened. I had never, in my whole time with Gabe as a stepfather, heard her talk to him like that. Let's just say I wasn't the only one surprised.

"What did you just say to me?" Gabe asked looking like he couldn't quite believe what he heard. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I believed it either. My mom had always tried to be kind to everyone or at least use more reasoning with them before acting. She had always tried to find the best possible way to fix things. (Not that i blamed her for not wanting to be kind to Gabe)

Ignoring him, she turned to me, questioning with venom in her tone, "Where is my son?!" She sounded downright murderous and I was starting to realize that she would be a far worse enemy then Gabe had ever been.

"Just let me explain!" I squeaked and grimaced at how weak my voice sounded. How was it that I could keep my voice even in front of evil titans, giants, and hordes of monsters, yet I couldn't even keep my voice steady in front of my own mother? "I'm listening." She said with a glare that could rival only Hades.

"Okay, but only if he" I said pointing to gabe with a look of distain on my face, "leaves." Something in her face changed slightly. Maybe she realized how desperate I was. Maybe she realized who I was! Or maybe, more like probably, she just didn't want gabe in the way.

"Fine." She said without even sparing a glance towards Gabe. "Get out."

"Now wait just a second!" Gabe exclaimed, "you can't just kick me out!" She turned her glare on him and he gulped before scurrying out of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief but it caught in my throat as she turned her toxic gaze back to me.

"Explain." She said, "Now." Gods this woman was scary. "Okay," I said, "this is going to sound a little crazy so you might want to sit down." I warned. "I'm fine." She replied coldly.

"Umm, well..." I said not knowing how to start. "Have You ever heard of the greek gods?" Her eyes widened. "Why?" She asked, suspicion seeping into her tone.

"Well..." I stalled, "thegodsarekindofrealandimyoursonsentfromthefuturesomehow" she looked at me like I was insane. "If You think I heard that, you are crazy." She said, still sounding like she was ready to kill me. "How about you try saying it again, ten times slower."

She said it as a demand and was looking more annoyed so I knew that I would have to say it slow enough for her to hear me if I didn't want to end up impaled by the abandoned fork next to me on the coffee table.

"Okay mom," I said shakily, "just please, don't stab me with a fork" my eyes widened. Did I seriously just call her- "MOM?!" Gabe's voice cut through my train of thought as he burst into the room looking more and more angry. Apparently he hadn't actually left.

"Gabe, get out." My mother said in a sickly sweet voice filled with more venom then sugar. Gabe's face started turning red. Oh no, I thought. This was not going to be pretty.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, WOMAN!" Gabe screamed, starting towards her. She heald her ground, but I knew she wouldn't last long against him. I was sure that my mom had more muscles then him, but in the end, he is definitely more of a walrus.

I clenched my fists. I was not going to let this chubby chimpanzee lay even a finger on my mom. "Get away from her." I growled, stepping between gabe and my mom. " "DON'T YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT BOY!" He yelled at me, his face a shade of red so dark that I didn't think was possible for any human being to achieve.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" A said a fake apologetic look on my face. "I'll make sure to talk in your native language from now on." Gave looked a little confused, but mostly still angry. "And what language is that?!" Gabe asked, a murderous look on his face. "Walrus." I replied, adding a cheeky smile for good measure.

That was when Gabe charged.

Sorry that this chapter was so short😬 I honestly didn't know how to write it so sorry if it sucked

Potion Gone Wrong: A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now