Chapter 12

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We walked through the isles of what looked to be a nightclub. The booths were a muted yellow colour and next to them were mirrored mannequins and behind them were geometric LED line things. I have to admit it was pretty cool. And as much as I didn't like Sharon at the time I inwardly congratulated her at the ineffablely interesting night club.

"Looks like breaking all those laws served you well." Sam breathed out looked at the beauty of the club.

"Thought that if I had to hustle...might as well enjoy the life if a real hustler." Sharon gestured around. I mean fair play. "You know how much I can get for a real Monet?" She asked rhetorically.

"A fake Monet." Sam chuckled. I examined a painting on the way up the stairs and there hung a Johannes Vermeer painting called 'The Milkmaid' and surprisingly every single detail and aspect of the painting was spot on...what? They taught us forgery in painting in HYDRA...I know my shizzle

"Sam these aren't fake." I declared still staring at the painting.

"She is right Sam." Zemo agreed. "This gallery specialises in stolen art work, Monet, Van Gogh...classics."

"It's true." Bucky butted in. It took a lot to listen however because I could feel the adrenaline from earlier wear off and that gunshot wound was starting to hurt like a real bitch. "You know half the art work at the museums are fake." I mean he's right. "Its usually in places like this."

"Yeah okay guys I know what you're doing you are more worldly than good ol' Sam." Wilson mocked shaking his head side to side and tapping on his phone only to looked shocked.

"Yeah what does google say." Bucky joked walking past Sam and to me. "How's it feel doll are you alright." He asked me laying a hand on my non shot shoulder.

"Hurts like hell but I'll be fine." I smiled. What a mothafucking lie. I felt like my shoulder was on fire whilst being eaten by pirahnas dipped in acid but he didn't need to know that. "Can we get this fucking metal scrap out of my shoulder though?"

"Yeah come on just hurry up I'm hosting clients in an hour." Sharon yelled from the door next to Zemo. All three of us trailed behind them like little kids.

Sharon quickly rushed Bucky and I in a bathroom. "There is a medical kit in that cupboard there...try not to make a mess...blood is really difficult to get out of tiles." Sharon smiled shutting the door behind her. Bucky pushed herself up and walked to the cupboard and pulled it open to reveal it full of pills. Bucky wrapped his hand around the bottle and read the label.

"Citalopram...and the other one is escitalopram...didn't you take them for a while?" Bucky asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yeah...they're antidepressants." I said looking at the bottle sadly...I always hated them as they always made me feel almost...robotic. I felt really bad now for earlier...I didn't have all the details but I knew it was bad. Bucky very quickly put the bottles back and grabbed the kit.

He kneeled down in front of me and looked me in the eyes. "Alright I need you to take your shirt that alright?" He asked sincerely. Shit shit shit shit he couldn't know about my cuts.

"I can't it hurts to much...I can get it over my shoulder." I made up an excuse. Pretty fucking good one if you ask me.

"Alright that's okay...I'll get it over your shoulder alright...I just need to do that okay?" He asked waiting for me to nod. Which I did. "Okay this might hurt because I'm going to have to peel it off alright." I nodded again. He unzipped top of my catsuit just to the top of my cleavage...only enough to slip it off...well peel it off. I clenched my teeth out of pain and flung my head back. "Alright well done...I'm just going to sterilize it okay...just talk to me."

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