Chapter 14

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So there we were...hiding behind a container...being shot at...again. Sam was stood first, then Sharon, then Bucky and then me."Alright wait for my signal." Bucky yelled over the whizzing bullets. To be honest part of me hoped that there wouldn't be a signal because the dull ache of an old bullet wound. I say dull ache but it feels like a more of a cramping sensation. Note to self...don't get shot again.

But of course Sam had to go and ignore Bucky by just shooting at the enemy. No tactics or anything. There is one thing I know about being faced with people you need to fight...have a fucking plan...I learnt that the hard way. After shooting Sam dissappeared behind a container like an absolute idiot. Like I love you Sam but you utter dumbass.

"Shit...SAM...YOU ASSHOLE GET BACK HERE." I yelled in the direction Sam went. "Right...I'm gonna go find him...cover me?" I asked Sharon and Bucky. Well it was more of a demand than a question.

"No it's too dangerous." Bucky responded loudly as if I couldn't hear him.

"I'll be fine...promise." I ran off in the direction that Sam went. He didn't have a plan and no plan results in more danger. I couldn't take the energy of too many of them because taking too much would give me to much and that would kill me...and I didn't really feel like dying yet. Yeah yeah...I could produce as much energy as I needed but if I took too much energy that I didn't produce I would die. Confusing I know but cool I guess. Anyways...I got to Sam who was just futily shooting at the opposition and they futily shooting at us.

Eventually Bucky and Sharon caught up to us and hid behind a box. I whipped my gun out from my pocket and flipped the safety switch off and fired and shot one of the henchmen. "Nice shot." Sharon breathed out. She took a shot and shot another one straight through the skull.

"You aren't to bad yourself."

"You like living here?" Sam yelled whilst firing his weapon.

"It's not terrible."

Finally I ran out of bullets and I take it that Bucky did to because a few "shit"s came out of Bucky's mouth. "I thought we were going left!" He yelled at Sam. "You went the wrong way."

"I was clearing the way." Sam argued back. Oh God here we go the married couple strikes again. "I came out first. You had to follow me."

"And where are we now."

"Hey hey...Mr and Mrs Wilson this isn't the time." I called before ducking behind a crate of sorts. I flicked a ball of energy at a group of them from my crouched postion.

"Couldn't you have done that earlier." Sam yell at me.

"Calm it's not always that simple." I retorted

"I'm out."  Great niece all if us are...and where the fuck is Zemo.

As if in cue an explosion went off because that was only when I looked up and saw a purple face pointing a gun at a burst gas pipe. He had to fucking pick purple didn't he. That asshole. He then went all Jason Bourne on the survivors of the explosions. It was I had no idea that that man even knew how to do that.

"Fair play." I nod looking around at everyone else. "What. That's pretty badass."

"Careful of your girl round Barron over there." Sam joked to a not amused looking Bucky.

"Nah I wouldn't worry about him...he is more of a paternal figure." I nudged Bucky's shoulder...the wrong one though because my bullet wounded one collided with his vibranium one and fuck it hurt. "Ah fuck you."

"You hit my shoulder...I'm innocent." Bucky shrugged. After Zemo did his kick ass routine we ran after him at full speed in fear he was going to escape or something. Well after that show I don't even know. We navigated through numerous containers until we were ambushed by a thug. "I've got him." Buck yelled and the rest of us hurried into a blue container. I peeped through the door to see Bucky absolutely annihilating one of the men with a pole.

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