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i was walking through the school hallways on a normal school day and i saw a huge crowd

i were cyruiys so i made my way over there to see what was going on 

i passed threw the crowd to see a huge poster 'the big fight' it said

i asked jennie "whats all that abot"
jennoe slaped the contact lens out of my left eye and screamed "Y/N U LEAVING UNDER A ROCL??!?!" "THERES A HUGE FIGHT THATS GOING TO HAPPEN BETWEEN HEEJIN AND UR EX JYP"
my eyes widened at hearing all this  "over what?" i asked in confusion

jennie slapped the contact lens out of my other eye "OVER U DUMBASS"

"o-oh no this isnt happenjng is it??" i sighed and while leveing i dropeped mh favourite zucchini plushie..


the cheers foe the fight rang all over the school woth an intense atmosphere i rushed to the cafeteria where the fight was going to take place "i have to stop this" i said to myslef as i was running full speed like lightening mcqueen sunbaenim and sonic sunbaemin combined

           ***THE FIGHT ft. sia****

heejin and jyp stood face to face glaring at eaxgother with shrap gazes

"iM a FiNe grEen pOtatoao~~~" sia sang her heart out

"imma knoci ur ass out" heejin said
"u cant do nothing do this dumptruck" jyp bragged as he slapped his own booty ba tooty

the fight began

heejin with a leading start smashes jyp into a table then junps and elbows his stomach little did she know that jyp had 10 packs protexting the olmitiy stomach

jyp smirked and kicked heejin in the face making her nose bleed

"IMMA DEFLATE UR ASS" heejin screamed with anger

jyp did the double wombo combo fat ass triple bitch slap knowing that he won

but heejin was no ordinary girl heejin was able to dodge what was never dodged before "NEVER BREAK Y/NS HEART AGAIN" heejin yelled before kicking deez nuts making jyp sqeal like a dolphins and when she was about to end him--

"STOOOOOOP" i screamd at the top of my lungs

heejin stopped and gasped while jyp was gasping for air they both stared at me

"imM a fiNe gReeen potorao" sia kept singing like there ws no tomotwo

until someone came from the sky and smashed her to the ground  with a hammer it was ni-ki minaj🦄
"NICKI MINAJI IS THE QUEEN OF RAAAAAAAP" he shouted befre he left the scene

at this point i was confused of what was happednibg all this feels loke a ((fever)) dream- anyways- i ran over to heejin and jyp who continued fighting while i was ditraxked by fucking ni-ki minaj🦄

"L9OK AT ME" the eye contact lasyed l9mg enough for heejin to know u still have feelings for jyp and that fueled up her anger "REALLU Y/N RWALLY??????" heejin was heartbroken " i-i-i fbougy u liked me"

"no no no no no this is all a mistunderstanding" i said "w-well i-i-£iz" "I LIKE BOTH OF U" "AND IM SOCK OF THIS LOVE TRIANGLE"

jyp stood up "well its ur time to finally choose ME OR HEEJIN"

i looked back and forth to both of them not sire of my feelings "ugh get it togehter y/n" i thought to myslef

"i-i-i- i pcik" ".....jyp" "im sorry heejin"

"u dumb bitch" said both of them in sync

"huh?!?!" i sqid confised as fuck

heejin took out something from jer pockey it was my favourite zucchini plushie that i lost uesterday

heejin used the zucchini as a voodoo doll and she made me kiss sia who was fucking dead "im a fine green potatao" a started unconciouly singing "WHATS HAPPEING TO ME"

heejin and jyp laughed at me
then stopped
jyp looked ay heejin and noded

heejin took my to the core of the earth whwe she and jyp sacrificede me for the sake of the world..

"deez nuts" whispered jake in agony


author's note:
hi i hope u enjoyef that😁💜
my name is champ and my friend reptile write these fanfics, i wrote this one it took me quite a while but i like how it turned out to be🤔🤔😄😄

this is my first fanfic hehe
also english isnt my first language so im so sorry if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes🥺👉👈

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