Chapter 27

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Long chapter

Taylors POV:

I walked up to Kevin's porch and knocked on his door. "Get the damn door Kev!" I heard his mom yell. I laughed because his mom is rude but funny at the same time. When he answered the door he looked shocked.

"Oh hey Tay I ain't know you were coming over" he said letting me in the house.

"Yeah I have to ask you something" I took off my shoes at the door and walked into the living room. As soon as I walked into the room his mom got up to hug me.

"Hey babygirl I missed you" his mom said hugging me tightly.

"Hey Ms.Quincey" I said. She wants me to call her mom but I don't really feel comfortable with that. She rolled her eyes at me while I laughed at her.

"Well we'll be upstairs ma" Kevin said .

"Ok boy. Yall better not be makin' me no grandbabies up there!" His mom yelled as we ran up the stairs. When we got to his room I sat on his bed while he closed the door.

"So what did you have to ask me" he said laying down next to me.

What's the point in trying to beat around the bush? "Did you get Chelsea pregnant" I blurted out. He looked at me for what seemed like forever then he started laughing.

He confuses me sometimes. "You actually think I got that hoe pregnant? Wow Tay" He sat up next to me smiling. Now I know he is mad. Kevin has a short temper and I know that I just made him made with one little question.

"What now? You think I got your mama pregnant too?!" he got up and started yelling in my face. I'm not about to sit here and let him yell at me like this.

"No! I just asked one damn question and you made it seem like I took your Cheetos!" I yelled back at him.

"You better lower your voice" he said calmer not looking in my direction. If I wanted to I would jump out the window right now instead of being in this room.

"No, I'm not gonna let you sit here and yell at me" I said crossing my arms and shifting all of my weight to my right leg.

"I know we're not together yet so I can't do nothin and I refuse to put my hands on you" he said.

"So you were gonna hit me? See this is why we can't be together because you get mad at the littlest things Kevin. All I did was ask you did you get Chelsea pregnant and you popped off on me" I said every word looking at him in his eyes.

He stayed silent. Is it because he did get her pregnant? I mean, he popped off on me and then became silent. "You got her pregnant didn't you?" I asked.

He mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't hear him. "What did you say? Speak up".

"I said I fucked her but the condom might have broke. I don't know" he said as if he didn't care. I'm not going to yell again and waist my time and energy being mad over this whole problem.

I nodded my head "Okay, that's cool" I gathered my things and walked out of his room.

"Well you wanted and answer didn't you" he yelled from his room. When his mom saw me coming downstairs she looked my way.

"Your leaving so soon?" she asked.

"Yeah I'll see you later Ms. Quincy" I waved goodbye and walked out of the house.


Jacobs POV:

I was upstairs in my room listening to Slum Anthem blastin' through my speakers. If my mom was home right now she would've got my ass but since she's not Im gonna do it.

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